
Do you agree with Karl Rove that a mayor of a small town is not qualified to be V.P.?

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  1. I don't agree with Karl Rove because according to him it doesn't matter if you don't have long as you are a Conservative Christian Republican.  

  2. Yes, I do.

  3. Funny how this came back to bite him on the butt, huh?

  4. not fair, he was talking about a democrat that was mayor of a city of only 200,000 in a small industrialized state, not the mayor of the second largest city (pop. 9,000) in our biggest state. If you can't see the difference then you are obviously not a republican.

    yuck, I almost gagged just writing that.

  5. Apparently he's not the only high profile Republican with some "confused" views....

    "Miss Kitty", that is entirely false (not to mention ridiculously irrelevant).  Check the numbers again.

  6. Anyones qualified after what we've witnessed the last 8 years.

  7. She got more votes as a mayor of that town than Biden did for his re-election,,, LOL!

  8. I don't agree with Karl Rove on anything.  

    And the main function of the Vice President is to sit around just in case the President keels over.  In McCain's case, that may actually be a viable possibility, so perhaps we should have a VP who has a vague clue.  But then again, I've just spent the past 8 years in mortal terror of Cheney taking over, so how much worse can it possibly get?

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