
Do you agree with McCain about the idea that it's pointless to send thousands of dollars to foreign countries?

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I saw on CNN where McCain was talking about how it's pointless for us Americans to send thousands & thousands of dollars overseas to help other countries who don't even like us, & also sending money to help countries that support terrorism.

I was shocked, & I very much agree. We don't get enough help in our own country. I think we should get our own country straight 1st, before helping other countries. & other countries never break their necks to help us when we're in need.




  1. You have the right idea,but we owe tons of money to these country's governments.Again,thank the shrub.We are as close as ever to another depression thanks to him.

  2. yes

    we help them

    they backstab us

  3. Poor countries need aid in order to recover from natural and manmade catastrophes.

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