
Do you agree with Obama that McCain doesn't "get it"?

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Just what is it though that McCain doesn't get?

Is it the fact that trade actually enriches America?

It seems to be that Obama and the democrats are the ones that don't GET THAT

Is it that when Obama raises the capital gains taxes the government revenues are going to drop?

How come Obama doesn't GET THAT?

It seems to be that Obama is the one that doesn't GET IT not McCain?

Why is Obama such an idiot?




  1. Obama gets it any way he can..Corruption, rich, friends,any he can to get all he can for his goal to rule the world.  

  2. obama stole that phrase from a movie.   AMERICAN PRESIDENT   hes a phony.kinda funny this is the best the dems can do.

  3. Let's look at his most recent decsion,

    Whether Palin was a good pick or not is not exactly relevant.  What is relevant is the nature of John McCain’s decision making in this instance.

    Let that simmer with you for a moment.  At the first sign of trouble, McCain abandoned his game plan and went instead with a high risk maneuver that thus far seems to have some pay off, but is coming with a high cost.

    What does that say about how he’ll behave in the realm of foreign policy?  Will he abandon any semblance of a safe and tested plan in favor of a high risk move that will put us and our families in danger?  What about terrorism?  In a McCain administration, I think that this indicates that instead of pursuing a smart and tough anti-terrorism policy, he would engage in a reckless and reactionary response that would only make us less safe and likely put us in another war.

    We can discuss the lack of qualifications for Sarah Palin, and there are plenty, but the biggest problem is that it indicates that John McCain’s temperament and judgment is far below the standards necessary to serve in the Oval Office.

  4. I don't think McCain gets that the majority of Americans don't see the country going in a positive direction & McCain thinks it is but if he continues Bush's policies, how is that positive?

  5. McCain got the better of Obama on the VP pick. I think it's Obama that doesn't get it!

  6. Obama just wants your "CHANGE". I figured out what he means by change..... he's gonna clean out our pockets and purses. I would love to see Palin and Obama debate. Then we would all know the meaning of Idiot. We would find the new definition in the dictionary under the word OBAMA.

  7. Obama says McCain doesn't "get it" because you can't get away with insulting McCain's character. As far as the Senate goes, McCain's character, experience, and principles are unparalleled. So, by saying that McCain "doesn't get it," Obama gets to both criticize him and avoid bashing him. Of course, what Obama really means is that McCain doesn't agree with him. I'm sure McCain "doesn't get" Obama's (lack of) ideas because he believes something different. I think it's kind of funny that Obama assumes that a simple disagreement between two intelligent men means that the other person doesn't "get it." That's just stupid.

  8. Obama has NEVER had it!

  9. obama is an empty suit

    never really accomplished anything

    except write his own history

    a loudmouth   wannabee Star

    what good would he do the Country    ?        Nothing

    McCain and Palin have the experience and the courage

    Obama and his shady friend Biden are very suspect

    all you folks can do now is type

    in Caps       you have NO basis for saying Obama is accomplished

    only thing he does is blow his own Horn

  10. The reason that Obama "gets it" is because he is black

    that's what it is all about

    Obama is black

    and nothing else matters

    that is what this election is all about

    to the liberals out there

    I guess they "get it " too

    Obama is a righteous dude man

    he is balck

    and black is where its at in this election

    it doesn't matter that he is a stupid socialist

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