
Do you agree with Obama that taxes should be used for redistibuting incomes?

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Do you agree with Obama that taxes should be used for redistibuting incomes?




  1. The whole Democratic economic platform is based on that false premise. And no I don't agree with it.

  2. Nope,

    Guess your name is accurate.

  3. No a dangerous place this brings this country. Who decides who gets what? Corruption is bad enough.We do not need to feed it by giving it more money.

  4. No, and that is precisely what Obama wants to do. Once he gets done taking every dime from the "rich" he'll have to start hammering the middle class. Someone has to pay for his proposed $873 BILLION in social programs to aid the "poor". In other words, he needs to keep their voter base needy at the cost of the middle and upper class.

    He will tax the life out of the working man and hand it to the lazy malcontents. 100% guaranteed.

  5. For those that think Obama does NOT believe that, the fact is that most politicians in Washington DO believe that, along with most politicians in state governments.  

    They want to redistribute it from rich to poor, from everyone to business, from federal to state... everyone that ever proposed, requested, or supported an "earmark" is in favor of redistribution of income.  

    There are some exceptions, like Ron Paul, but they are rare.  Speaking for myself, which the question asked me to, I also do not agree with it.  

    As for those that equate income distribution and the graduated tax system, they are not the same thing at all.  There are things the government should be doing that cost money that have nothing to do with income redistribution, and the graduated system is a reflection of the philosophy that the wealthy should pay more for them.  They are unrelated concepts.  

  6. No , I run a single family income house hold. I have my own business and raise three kids by myself as a single parent. I refuse to use welfare or food stamps I think the system right now is being badly abused by some who do . I work hard for what I have , I make it for my family I want no hand outs from people and I do not expect to give one out to others. If i can do it so can a great deal more. Maybe that will take some of the burdening pressures off the state and government programs. People who work and build businesses bring economy back to america. Just a question if you please , What does your name mean?

  7. No I don't

    Just like I don't think the courts should be used for redistributing income either

  8. Right now our taxes are being used to pay the interest on the 10 Trillion national debt, the 1 Trillion a year war machine going nowhere and tax breaks for the super rich.

  9. Obama never said that. It is a cheap lie that has been e-mailed around and posted on blogs for quite some time now.

    The wall street journal said it, not Obama.

    Do I agree that the rich should pay more, while the poor and middle class pay less? Yes, as did Teddy Roosavelt.  

  10. He never said that. You say that because you do not understand the concept of society.

  11. Umm, no.

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