
Do you agree with Palin that abortion should be outlawed?

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EVEN in the cases of RAPE and INCEST.

I am pro-choice anyway but I think it's horrible that she doesn't think that it should be illegal to abort a baby that was forcibly put there. If my wife was raped and became pregnant I couldn't imagine being told that she couldn't have it aborted and have to look into the childs eyes and remember the embrassment, the humiliation of being someones playtoy againest her will.




  1. Yes I do.  Rape or incest doesn't make the baby any less of God's creation.

  2. I'm sorry but I don't believe abortion is fair to the baby. And yes baby's are created at conception. They didn't come from a cabbage plant.

    If she was raped or even incest, the baby did nothing wrong and should live. In that particular case maybe adopted.

  3. Since 60% of Americans are pro-choice, Palin is a SCARY HOOTERS GIRL!

  4. No - and there is a great risk to the current abortion law if Mccain wins.  Possibly even against availability of birth control.

  5. No it shouldn't, I don;t agree with getting an abortion if you are out s******g around, but for rape or health risks yes.

  6. I'm sure Carl Rove would be thrilled to rev this issue up and/or g*y marriage.  I hope these issues do reappear for the election.  I'd be happy if I never hear about either of them again.

  7. cite your source and i'll respond ,otherwise i'll consider this as another one of barry's supporters running scared.

  8. yes.  there is always adoption.

    a child is still a child regardless of how it was conceived.

  9. h**l no i totaly disagree with Palin.

    Who is Sara ,Palin She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.1

    Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2

    She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3

    Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4

    She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5

    She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears a

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  10. this is a scare tatic used by the Dem's who are quick to whine when this happens to them.  list a source and check it our with research before you pass these allegation on.  Neither have many any such purposal.  remember laws are purposed and passed by Congress.

    i have many conflicts on this issue.  having had two abortins by family members, i have seen the aftermath and my own.  two little children who could have given and received love will never be born and my grief and their's is overwhelming.  i know that many do not feel that way and have mulitple abortions.  it should not be a method of birthcontrol.  we are killing our babies at an unprecedented rate even though the numbers have dropped some, it is still hugh.  who know how many would have become important to the world.  it wasn't legal then but it was available so Obama is lucky that his mom decided to keep him and not abort him.

    even if Roe vs. Wade was overturned this evening, I am hard pressed to see how all 50 states would declare abortion illegal within their borders. In fact, I would be willing to bet that most states (25 +1 being most), would probably legislate that a state-wide interpretation of Roe vs. Wade would be in concord with what we currently have on the federal level.

    "McCain/Palin do indeed oppose Roe vs. Wade, however they oppose it from a constitutional perspective of the Supreme Court legislating for the states. In their opinion, Roe vs. Wade ought to be overturned so that each state can decide whether abortion is legal or illegal within its borders. This is nothing but true federalism at its best, with the legislature in each state deciding what happens to citizens who choose to reside within its borders.

    Overturning Roe vs. Wade is one thing, declaring that abortion is illegal within the borders of the United States is another. McCain/Palin have to the best of my knowledge not proposed anything remotely similar to the latter, though they support the former.

    Furthermore, I am hard pressed to see how a Congress with a Democratic majority would approve someone who is against Roe Vs. Wade to the Supreme Court, so those of us who are pro-choice (and I am definitely one) have nothing to fear in that regard."

    the above quotes are writen by a PUMA and true.

    right now, i am pro choice but after seeing the pics online how abortions work and the bodees disposed of is sickening.

    i am hard pressed to want my tax dollars going to abortions for people who show little or no persaonl responsibilites in the majoryity of cases.  they are either drunk or high and get pregnant then we pay for it.  that doesn't seem right to me in this day and age when shots are availble at the health clinics and prevent preganacies.  too lazy to go?  i guess so.

  11. Even if she is against it, the law isn't going to change. That takes an act of congress, not the will of the Vice President.

  12. I agree with you 100%, plus look at the angle of the child when it gets   older and finds out as inevitably it will do. As for those who advocate having the baby and getting it adopted, imagine the agony of attending antenatal classes alone or with mum/sister watching all the other mums to be so content and nursing that baby under your heart for 9 long traumatic months. The woman or girl needs that? Also what about cases where the mother could die if she goes full time, are the anti-abortion lobby really to be allowed to condemn her to death. Also where some teenagers can and do cope with pregnancy and the problems of being single parents why not prevent a h**l of a lot of problems with those who just can't? These people should wise up to real life.  

  13. I don't think it should be outlawed but I will vote for them to avoid socialists.  

  14. >>have to look into the childs eyes and remember the embrassment, the humiliation of being someones playtoy againest her will.<<

    Tell you what -- let the baby be born and have his/her first birthday, and then if your wife still wants, kill the baby.

  15. I hate abortion.  But I think that it should be a state issue and not a federal.  And, rape, incest and "health issues" rate less than 4% making it an anomoly and little more.

  16. You shouldn't have any children, if you think a child's life is irrelevant.

    My opinions concerning abortion are not black and white. I'm disgusted by how common it is, and the attitudes that leftists promote about abortion.

  17. Absolutely not.

    Abortion is a private choice and also a very difficult choice for the woman who is pregnant and for those whom she chooses to share this information with (her partner, boyfriend, parent, etc...)

    The government should not tell you when, how, where, or what you should do with your own body.

    I am pro-choice. I am pro-child. But this DOES NOT MEAN that if I were to get pregnant that I would consider having an abortion. Why should I tell another woman -whose story is PRIVATE- what they can or cannot do?

  18. Why should a baby be executed for the crimes of its father?

  19. You don't know that that's her opinion.  There are too many false rumors being launched by rabid liberals against Palin to trust to heresay.  In my own opinion, however, it sounds pretty callous to hold the child accountable for the rape that the father comitted.  Two wrongs don't make a right, and killing the child because it's inconvienient is the same excuse this time around, too.

  20. Over Turning Roe V Wade will not halt Abortions. They will still be performed in the same back alleys as they were before Roe V Wade became a protected right.

    My opinion on this issues, is the final decision should between the Woman and God. It no one has the right to control a Woman's Womb.

    It is sad that both Parties use Women as an Wedge Issues to advance their agenda.  

  21. Palin has chosen to keep her Downs child. Very commendable but one must realize that these children do not usually live past 30. They are prone to heart problems and blood cancer. You have a choice. Why put the child into this situation if you have a choice. And for those that feel a child born from rape or incest should live, well I have a friend who's mother was raped and she has lived her life in mental turmoil all of her life. She has wondered why did this man do this and needed years of therapy. So Palin scares me she is a hunter and guts her kill yet she is pro life and has very slim views on preservation of wildlife in Alaska. She is a hypocrite and she scares me.

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