
Do you agree with Palin that it's God's will that the new Alaska pipeline be built?

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Speaking at an Assemblies of God church recently in Alaska she said, "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that..."




  1. Can you give us another source other than the huffington post? as far as I am concerned it is just as unreliable as wikipedia... :/

  2. I don't believe anything that comes out of the sewer that is the huffington post, and that includes "news" from either side of the aisle.

  3. If you believe in global warming, then you definitely want that pipeline built. Natural gas is the future, and pollutes far less. Whatever God wants, it's what's right for this nation.

  4. Conservatives like to say "God's will" behind every new piece of legislation they have. It is part of the unwritten faith requirement for public office.

    The concept of using "God's will" to sway political arguments disgusts me.

  5. I believe that if there was a God, we wouldn't have had to endure Bush for the past 8 years.

    Frankly, I think God, like our forefathers, understands that politics is not his place.

  6. Too many people use his name in vain

    Why the h**l would GOD care if the pipeline is built

    How about asking is it going to get to mainland

  7. OMG!  She was talking about God's will when she was delivering a speech at a church???

    Stop the presses!  That's simply unheard of!!!  

  8. You need a little more intelligent source than huffingtonpost.

  9. Of course.  The reason we have so much human suffering and starvation in the world is because God is busy building oil pipelines.  

  10. I HATE this lady and her "it's god's will" bullshit. geez, she should just say SHE wants it cause how does she ******* know if it's god's will!!!

  11. God is interested in salvation and developing relationship with his children; not pipelines or politics. By the way the town in Alaska where Palin lives has a huge Meth problem.  

  12. Huffingtonpost...that is right down there with FOX news.

  13. LOL! Nice to see a quote from the left wing idiot loon paper....I hope it is God's will, it sure doesn't seem to be the DEMS what does that tell you?  

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