
Do you agree with Palin that sending troops to Iraq is a plan from God?

by Guest56114  |  earlier

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She says its a task from God...Should we expect her, being just one heartbeat away, to go start wars with all other religions in the world? Should she be starting mixing state and religion? Do we want even more extremists in the White House, even more then W and Cheney?




  1. When the Israelites were called to fight other nations, they knew they had God's approval in the battle.  Since the coming of Jesus Christ he said that the battles that were to be fought were his doing.

    That we were not to join in this battle and that he knew the ones who were bad and the ones who were good.  Since men do not know who the bad people really are then should we fight in this war?

    Shouldn't we follow the example of early christians?  They did not fight in the wars of the world.

    John 17:16 They are not part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.

    The bible clearly shows that God is not backing the current wars of the world.

    Revelation 16:14 shows that in the last days the kings of the entire inhabited earth will be fighting against God.  So to join in the fighting may put us fighting against God.  

  2. So much for the constitutional seperation of church and state.  More dangerous inroads by the theocratic evangelistas.

  3. Man, are YOU a drama queen.  A politician mentions God in passing in a ... gasp ... CHURCH! of all places, and you think that she is the equivalent of a suicide bomber.

    While I do NOT agree that invading Iraq was a "mission from God", it sounds like you are the nut.

  4. I believe Palin is a right wing nut job.  Sending troops to Iraq was a plan from an incompetent President.  Don't blame God for Bush's moronic decisions.

  5. Like for the terrorists its a task from allah, for Palin its a task from Jesus.

  6. Only if you substitute the word "god" with "zionist war profiteers".

  7. I dont know about Iraq, but that sure is going to be a Jesus pipeline if we ever get it built.

    Honestly though, how can you not like someone who uses federal funding to shoot bears from helicopters.  

  8. Im glad we sent troops there and ill be glad when we have them all out.  I like the fact that she obtained funding from the government.  It shows that she can find funding for her cause.  If she brings that to the whitehouse perhapse she can help with the hole that we are in.  

  9. Two days later and the libs are still jumping up and down like rats in a barrel. Palin must be real good choice.

  10. Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God'

    Palin's Church May Have Shaped Controversial Worldview  

  11. this lady is a nut case.. she preaches abstinance (worked out well for her family) and loves shooting at ALL of Gods creatures. Send her to Iraq. That should make her god happy

  12. More people listen with their mouths than with their ears.

    I think we should cower in fear and let the Onmipotent UN handle things as they are doing so wonderfully in Darfur and did in Rwanda..How many hundreds of thousands died.

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