
Do you agree with Paul McCartney's statement?

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"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian."

Do you agree? Why or why not?




  1. i disagree... eating cooked meat is what separates us from the early cave men. when cave men figured out fire and started cooking their food, humans started to get a lot smarter.

  2. i don't agree.  there will always, ALWAYS be apathy from some people.  i have known many people who have seen videos like "Meet your Meat" and simply don't care what the animal is going through or how the meat is prepared.  some will even swear to you that cooking meat "burns off any contamination".  ugh.

  3. maybe not EVERYONE

    but the veg population would probably double up very quickly

    in other words.. alot WOULD be converted..

  4. I'd have to disagree, unfortunately a lot of people just don't care about animals and what happens to them, they seem to think that animals don't have feelings or feel pain.

  5. i would sure hope so, but probably not :(

  6. I agree to some extent...  However, I would say that there would be "more vegetarians" instead of "everyone".

    Many people in our society don't know where meat comes from... They only know it's neatly wrapped in the supermarket.

    I was in a cooking class where the instructor described what meat was (muscle from animals) and humans have corresponding muscles.  Quite a few girls were grossed out at that concept.... lol.  Ditzy broads.

    However, not everyone will become a vegetarian.  I would continue eating meat.  I've worked as a meat cutter, but not in a slaughterhouse.

  7. I would disagree.  I've seen those PETA videos where they show you exactly what goes on in slaughterhouses, and I still eat meat.  It did turn one of my friends into a vegetarian, though.  People will definitely be disgusted and repulsed; but when it all comes down to it, meat tastes good.  It would be too difficult for many to give it up.

  8. No there are people who will eat meat regardless, it has been going on for centuries and will continue, consider the practice of kosher slaughter were you hang a clean animal (no pigs), upside down and slit its throat to bleed it out, it is the same thing used in slaughter houses only they kill/stun the animal with a captive bolt.

  9. I totally agree with that statement.  Slaughter Houses in the US (and most countries, I imagine) are disgusting.  If the horrible cruel way that they heard the animals in to be killed wasn't enough to make you sick, the blood and guts and excrement falling through the grated floors would surely turn a person off from meat forever.

  10. I think that it would change a lot of people's point of view on what happens to animals but I don't think that it would make everyone a vegetarian.  I know people who just love their meat and they don't care how it gets from the animal to the table.

  11. No, plenty of people know what happens to animals and still eat them.

    The comment was first attributed to his wife by the way.

  12. I kind of agree. I mean, I'm already a vegan, but if I wasn't and I saw the inside of a slaughterhouse I would definitely become a vegan. But some people really love meat and I don't think they would become a vegetarian after they saw animals being slaughter because they like meat too much. Sadly, I think my brother would be one of those cruel people.....

  13. I agree with that statement, or at least a lot more people would be vegetarians if they knew what goes on the slaughter houses.  I am a vegetarian because I know how we treat the animals and it is just unthinkable.

  14. I think he does make a valid point. From childhood on, we are kind of trained to eat meat and children have no idea where it comes from. They wouldn't want an animal to die for them, and I'm sure if they saw how their sausage or ham was produced, they would be shocked.

    As an adult, most people are sadly so used to it that they don't realise what terrible crimes are happening there and that the whole concept of keeping and eating animals is nothing but slavery in its worst form.

    However, even if most are used to it, I can imagine that several adults would be appalled as well and actually stop eating meat. I did when I was 19, it had taken me a while to realise the terrible suffering of the animals.

    I think McCartney made a very wise statement there.

    It can be applied to so many things too. If sweat shops in India had glass walls or were shown on TV, so that shoppers on the high street saw their cheap clothes were made by children, they would think twice too.

    If prisons had walls, there would be less abuse by police officers.

    If homes had walls, children would be safer.

  15. I don't think it would change everyones but a good percentage

  16. well whomever said it i perfectly agree because people choose to be blind to how there food gets to there plate and they need to open up there eyes to the world and see whats really going on out there

  17. I've also watched thos ePETA videos and I still eat meat (only cuz I changed the channel really fast, LOL)

    Now if I had to sit and watch through a glass wall, Yes I would turn vegetarian...

  18. i think its pretty amazing how many chickens they can kill per day to keep up with the demand.  Makes good business sense.

  19. if mccartney's house had glass walls, we'd be disgusted by him.....

    no, paul's comment isn't true because i've worked in a slaughter house before - and i'm a proud meat eater.

  20. Only if you actually had to go to the slaughterhouse to pick up the meat.  People have an awesome ability to forget unpleasant information.

  21. Maybe not everyone...but a LOT of people for sure.

  22. Even though slaughterhouses are disgusting and horrible, I don't think I agree.  My sister, for example, saw a few of the factory farming videos floating around and proclaimed that she's "too desensitized to be bothered" as if saying so was some kind of badge of strength to be proud about.   I'm sure she's not the only one, and I find that very sad.   When movies like "Saw" and "Hostel" are watched for entertainment these days, though, I guess I'm not surprised.  Don't get me wrong, I love my sister like crazy, but if someone as generally nice as her could have that attitude, well, what about those who are...less nice?

  23. Actually I think it was Linda McCartney's statement. And yes, I think most people do not equate meat with a living animal, like they would if they could see that animal being killed. Maybe not everyone, though.  Once the skin is off, all one sees is a hunk of food.

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