
Do you agree with Sarah Palin that:?

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creation "science" should be taught to our children in school?




  1. Julia, separation of church and state?  That's not in the constitution..

  2. It should be mentioned that there ARE disagreements re: the views on creation, possibly giving a respectful summary of these views.  However, the schools shouldn't go into teaching religion.

  3. Yes, I do. There's only two ways to see how life began, you have the big bang and evolution, which many parents teach their children as that being what really happend, then you have religous beliefs of how life began, with parents that teach their children as that being how it really happend, it is only fair and politically correct to not alienate one major belief to make room for another, two major beliefs, hold two major masses of believers, why should only one of them be taught?

    So, yes, I do think Creationism should be taught in our schools.

  4. Yes, definitely.  She states that it should be taught along side evolution in the form of a debate. It is always good to teach both sides of things, not just one side of things.

  5. Yes and no. Evolution should be taught but there should be mention that there is a competing theory and a little bit about it.

  6. Absolutely not.

  7. What is she sipping on?

  8. sarah who? I haven't even heard of her before 3 days ago.

    and NO, I think they should teach Evolution and then all the inconsistencies of Evolution, and ONLY to high school students who can grasp the conscept. Because if we teach Creationsim, then we also have to teach every other creation story of every other religion on the face of the planet. How do you say confused children and very expensive?

    and yes THERE ARE MANY inconsistencies in evolution.

  9. Spoken like a true Jesus Camp warrior for Christ.  Don't you know the agenda of these Evangelists yet?  There's a whole movie documentary JESUS CAMP dedicated to this insanity.  And they call Bin Laden crazy.

    (Gets on her witches broom and flies back to Alaska)

    This c**p has no business in any school but is a personal family choice that should be dealt with at home (and at "church" where they beat you senseless!!!)

  10. Yes

  11. Yes,,,since there is no absolute proof of either theory then they both should be taught.

    And don't give that "Separation of Church crud, the creation theory can be taught without teaching religion. Teaching a student about religions is not teaching religion.

    Plus the "Separation of Church and State" phrase means the state cannot sponsor one specific religion, it does not mean the state must be atheist, or free from any mention of god.

  12. No and im Catholic. Public schools are open to kids of ALL religion. My parents wanted me to have a religious school life so i went to catholic school.  

  13. No.  Separation of church and state.  If someone wants to teach their children the religious lore of the Bible (or any other religious text), they can do it at home.

  14. Nice try.

    What she actually said is:

    “Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of education. Healthy debate is so important, and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both.”

    “I don’t think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class. It doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum.”

    She added that, if elected, she would not push the state Board of Education to add such creation-based alternatives to the state’s required curriculum.

    She said this in her campaign for Governer.

    But your misinformation is really no surprise. After all, Liberals don't want healthy debate.

    The left always blather on about tolerance and sensitivity. I guess tolerance is only available for those that are willing to walk in lock step with their precious Saint Obama.

    Get used to the idea libs, Sarah Palin is about to be your new Vice President.

  15. Yes.  If our kids are taught why Becky has two mommies, they can be taught this as well.

  16. i am a biologist (says my degree, not my profession), but see nothing wrong with teaching creation science.  keep in mind that our forefathers learned the same.  evolution should be taught as well, and let students draw their own conclusion.  some things cannot be explained, and the left sounds like pompous "know it alls" to say otherwise.

  17. Why not. Libs want 'alternative life styles' presented in the classroom.

    Why is this always one sided?

  18. no i dont, everyone has there own beliefs on life... some ppl believe that god created us all, but there will always be that person that says well who created god...and then theres the ppl who believe in the big bang, and there is always the people who say where did the particles come from...there are so many explanations on how life came about, i think that ppl should find there own means of understanding, there shouldnt be just one explanation on how life was created.  

  19. Nothing as such will be passed in congress so I am not worried at all.

  20. Absolutely not.  Science is science and creationism is faith.  It does a disservice to both schools of thought to put them together this way.  All of these people who want "creationism" or "creation science" taught in schools want it taught as Christianity.  Well, not all Americans are Christians.  That's why we have separation of church and state.  In school, we teach what can be proven.  In church we teach about faith.  If it can be proven, then there is no need for faith.  So I guess that kind of makes science and religion mutually exclusive at this point.  I think you can believe in god and science, but to teach the ways in which those two subjects intersect in school is inappropriate in the extreme.

  21. No, creationism is the epitome of myth, not science. Might as well teach alchemy and astrology alongside creationism. Also to teach Creationism would spark a public outcry for other religious teachings. A book of myth created by a bunch of 2000 year old goat herders is not science.

  22. It should be taught in the homes by their parents.

    Why does she want government to be the nanny for our kids?

    Edit... Creationism is not a competing theory or a scientific theory at that.  It's a fable out of one religious text.

    Also, who's view of creationism should be taught?  Every religion and culture has a story how humans were created.   I can see teaching all those views so your kids can decide... or are you afraid the kids might actually believe another religion?

  23. Absolutely... it never should have been removed from the curriculum.  Religious science in all forms should be taught.. perhaps we might have a generation that understand each other better.

  24. It is.

    I am a High School teacher and the Science teachers at my school all teach Creation and Evolution as a balanced curriculum.

    It makes sense to me... why wouldn't you want kids to know what both are? You do not teach them with an agenda, that would be a different problem.

  25. I agree that intellegent design and evolution should both be taught.

  26. "Creation Science" is an oxymoron.

    Either it is Creation

    or it is Science.

    There is no convergence here.

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