
Do you agree with Sarah Palin that the US military is on a mission from god?

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just curious...




  1. she is dangerous...if you people have a brain please vote Obama or simply don't vote

  2. Why dont you ask the 3000 plus familys of dead troops that question ?

  3. No.  

  4. There are religious extremists in this world who truly believe their acts of war are orders from (their) God. This is true.

  5. No...the fact is that the "God" she speaks of is a Christian God and the main character in the Christian Faith is Jesus and Jesus refused to fight the Romans...don't they read the words of their God...turning the other cheek is what he recommends...not hunt 'em down and bomb them and all the innocent civilians near them to death!!!

    That was one of the most terrifying moments in her was all pretty scary...but, the business about God's Will was just too much.

  6. No because...

    1) God has stated that those who fight by the sword, die by the sword. He does not condone fighting nor wars for the issues that we wage wars (oil is not too high on his list, last I checked).

    2) there is suppose to be a separation between religion and state.

    3) It sounds about as stupid as her saying that her daughter's pregnancy is a task from God... God hates all sin including fornication. So why would he support her daughter doing just that?

  7. Nope.

  8. WTF is this...the Blues Brothers?

  9. Why not? We were on one in both World wars, Korea and Vietnam.  

  10. No. But she sure did perform well last night didn't she?

  11. They are on a mission by the puppet Bush for the Industrial Complex to help form a One World Government.  The strings are being tied to McCain and Palin to continue the puppet show.

  12. No, that lady is an extremist

  13. That's not what she said at all...In fact, show me a video, or even a QUOTE from a reputable (un-biased) source, that proves she said that.

    "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan." ~Sarah Palin

    Basicly (since you didn't understand what she said, and have obviously never set foot in a church) she said to pray that whatever happens over there is the right thing according to God's will

    And that's pretty much what has been said in just about EVERY church in America (except for Wright's church, of course)

  14. I hate how Republicans use God as an excuse for everything they do no matter how awful it is.

    It is not very Christian to me. Neither is their hatred and intolerance for others.

  15. Religion is exactly what's wrong with this planet. Having a politician make such statements is scary.

  16. The worst part of this is extremist Palin may actually believe that!

    Who ever thought that McCain would select a extremist like her as a running mate.

  17. She is delusional.

  18. I believe it is more like fullfilling a profecy

    ... in the Bible it says that in the last days will be difficult

    "1You must realize, however, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unfeeling, uncooperative, slander­ous, degenerate, brutal, hateful of what is good, 4traitors, reck­less, conceited, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God"  2Timothy3:1-4  -ISV... we see this is coming true, dont we?

    to the point

    Rev. 9:3 states, "and there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power." - believe the locust symbolize helicopters, dont they use helicopters over seas?

    The power of a scorpion is to poison. During the Russian occupation of Afghanistan the Russians used helicopters to deploy nerve gas on the rebels. So, if this is describing modern warfare it would most likely be a nerve agent, or a blistering substance like mustard gas. Mustard gas only affects animals nervous systems.

    It says they are "like" horses prepared unto battle. This must be a warfare vehicle . Regarding the last great battle Rev. 19:18 states, ". . . of horses, and of them that sit on them. . . ." Since modern armies do not use horses anymore this can only symbolize modern vehicles of war. So, if the symbol of horses is consistent, "LIKE unto horses prepared for battle," is likely a military vehicle.

  19. Maybe.. How many times will this be asked today?. The libs are getting desperate,bringing out STUPID questions..

  20. More of the liberal media BS.  Taking words out of context.  Why doesn't the AP investigate Barack and his known association with terrorist William Ayers?  Something that is really detrimental to his character?

  21. I don't know about this though the US military has ended systematic rape of young children by the leaders of Iraq.  They've ended torture.  They've brought Democracy and freedom to a country that has never had it.  They've ended virtualy slavery of women.  They've arrested and tried a tyrant leader that used Chemical weapons on his own people.  I could go on and on.  I don't speak for god and neither does Sarah Palin or anyone else though I believe god is opposed to the genocide, rape and torture committed by Saddam Hussein and I personally think it's a better world with him removed from leadership.  By the way the United Nations agrees with this and voted 14 times to go to war against Iraq so the world agrees with the United States.

  22. Since the terrorists who what to kill us say they are on a mission from god I have no problem thinking that we are too.

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