
Do you agree with Sen.John Kerry's plan to allow HIV+ immigrants to come to the US?

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Sen. John Kerry is hoping to pass an amendment to the “Global AIDS Bill,” that will remove visa restrictions against those with HIV and allow HIV+ to immigrate to the United States and receive care in US hospitals at taxpayer expense.

Canada sees the results of an immigration policy that allows HIV+ immigrants. In Winnipeg an HIV+ immigrant plied boys as young as 12 with beer and drugs, then sexually assaulted them according to prosecutors.At trial, the victims — one as young as 12 years of age — testified Mabior plied them with booze and drugs and engaged in repeated acts of unprotected s*x without ever disclosing he was HIV-positive.

“He knowingly withheld that information from his sexual partners on the basis that in all likelihood they would not have engaged in sexual contact with him,” said McKelvey in a written decision released yesterday.




  1. Well his side has been telling us for years that Aids would disseminate the heterosexual community Maybe this is his way of making it happen

  2. Thats insane. No way do I agree with tthat long chin freak. His wife still makes great ketchup, though.

    Maybe Kerry needs to go back to his beloved socialist home.

  3. I can't understand the logic in that. Does Kerry want to see our people here infected? What a dope.

  4. NO

    We should NOT be allowing people who test positive for HIV to come here.  Why?  So WE can end up paying the bills for their treatment and illness?  I don't think so.

  5. IT is a pandemic!!!!!!!! stop it

  6. No!!  Bad idea.  He really needs to go back under that rock he came out from.

  7. And to think...He almost became president!

    Why is it that our politicians are seemingly doing everything they can to destroy America? WTF would we want to infest our country, and spread a deadly virus? I have worked my whole life, and I don't have anyone but myself to pay for any  medical bills I might have come up. So why in the h**l would I want to pay for someone elses who isn't even American?

    Guess this goes right along with Harry Reid wanting gas prices to be at $7-9 a gallon.

    America is commiting suicide, and these idiots are pulling the trigger.

  8. Only if they are all contained in his local hospital and housed in his neighborhood.

  9. I hope Kerry is Not Wondering Why He was Not Elected....Our Healthcare System is already Bust!

  10. yes, absolutely. and when they get here i want them all to P***k kerry. i want that un-american s.o.b. dead.

  11. This is exactly what I mean.

    Congress does what it will for profit (pharmaceutical) at the expense of the people...

    We the People have allowed this.... way to go America - troops in the middle east for what - so that you non-combatants lap it up...

  12. No!

    WHY SHOULD WE BE PAYING FOR THEM? Shouldn't US citizens be taken care of before the rest of the world?

    I am so sick of the liberals spending OUR tax money.

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