
Do you agree with Vaclav Klaus about global warming?

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  1. You go ahead a believe politicians over scientists. That just shows your agenda, which is politics and not science! It also shows your lack of judgment when you believe a politician over scientists with regard to scientific matters.

  2. Yes, I absolutely agree with him.  Someday humans will be huddled around a heater or fire wishing for the good old days when humans were afraid of nice warm weather and politicians preached the benefits of ice and snow.

  3. He's right on the money.  Global warming is more political than people realize.

  4. yes

  5. Yes, 100%.

    If the alarmists are worried about CO2 why don't they attack the CO2 industry?  It shows to me they just hopped on the GW bandwagon without any thinking of their own.

  6. No, I believe that regarding a scientific issue you should listen to scientists, not politicians (and yes, that includes Al Gore).

  7. Most defiantly.  If "global warming" believers actually cared about the environment, they would be demanding nuclear power.

    Instead they demand technology that either does not exist, or is in its infancy so it can't benefit man like existing technology.

    Soon they will find something wrong with what they are using now, and demand that wind turbines, and solar panels be outlawed.

  8. I agree with Klaus.  Global warming has been a great tool to manipulate people.  We are more likely to suffer if there is an ice age.  Warmth allows growth of plants and animals.

  9. no

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