
Do you agree with Wesley Clark?

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Retired U.S. Gen. Wesley Clark said, refering to John McCain, that he doesn't think, "riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president." He also said that, "He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall. He hasn't seen what it's like when diplomats come in and say, I don't know whether we're going to be able to get this point through or not," "I certainly honor his service as a prisoner of war. He was a hero ... as a prisoner of war. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility"

Clarck was implying that McCains argument against Barack obama's lack of experienced didn't have as much merit as it appears and McCain is being hypocritical in that sense.

Do you agree? I don't think the McCain campain has tried to sell his war record as experience, but I think there has been some emphasis on it for McCain's foreign policy. I personaly think Clark brings up a valid point and I don't see his remarks as inapropri




  1. General Clark expressed a very knowing opinion, and was right on the mark.

    I believe that anyone who is not to the right of Attila the Hun, will see the Merritt in his statement.

  2. I agree totally.  I don't see that as an reflection on McCain's service.  The fact that he was a prisoner of war, and was involved in war, gives him a different perspective, but does not in and of itself make him somehow more qualified than others to be President.

  3. I agree. Just because Mccain was shot down doesnt give him inpeccable credentials as a commander in chief.

  4. Clark's comments were blown out of proportion by right-wing pundits. Clark, of course, was correct. Ulysses Grant was an outstanding Civil war general, but an absolutely horrible president.

  5. I do agree. I don't like Obama or McCain very much personally, but as soon as I read for myself what Clark actually said, I couldn't understand what the big deal was - because, as you said, he has a valid point. I think a much bigger deal was made of the comments than was warranted.

  6. I think that John McCain should have escaped from the Hanoi Hilton and come back to become a community organizer.  That would make him ultimately qualified to become president!

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