
Do you agree with a universal health care system similar to Canada?

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Health care in Canada is funded and delivered through a publicly funded health care system. 100% of the population is covered.

Hospitals are not profitable institutions, medicines cost 1/3 of what they cost in United States.

Average life expectancy in Canada is 80, I USA is 78

What’s wrong with such a system?




  1. First, you are citing biased numbers. Second, the U.S. gov't is already in financial trouble, how would we pay for this? Next, the things they tell you are about the quantity, not the quality. People in Canada that need procedures, very often, travel to the US for their services.

    Please don't only listen to Michael Moore when deciding on this subject.

    Edit: This is no exaggeration, in my med. school there are people from Canada that came here to go to school simply because they didn't like the system in Canada.

    Are these people crazy, or could they simply see the flaws in the "perfect Canadian system"?

  2. If you have also noticed that if they want any surgery they come to the U.S. so they either don't wait a few months (5-27 months) or die.  Plus how it would make the U.S. a welfare country.

    Example Massachusetts has this going on right now is bankrupt as we type/speak.  

  3. Higher taxes.  I have a friend that moved from Canada to the United States and he said it is unbelievable how high the taxes are and it is to fund these social programs.  Yes it may be amazing for someone with a chronic health condition, but for someone who is in good health then it is just more money out of their pocket that could be used to pay for other necessary things.  Also, since the hospitals would not be for profit, there will be a lack of sufficient care.  Doctors now are in the field to make money, most of them are not there with the main priority to help others.  I know because I have friends that are doctors and friends that are in medical school and when they are asked why they wanted to be doctors they all said because of the pay and the lifestyle and the fact that they could retire early and maintain a nice lifestyle.  If doctors were not making what they make now they will drop out of the healthcare system, leaving our healthcare system to people who are not as qualified and lacking in numbers.  If you think waiting in the emergency room for 5 hours is long, just think if there were half the doctors available.  That is another complaint from friends of mine from Canada...the wait for care is rediculous.  Unless you are dying then you are waiting in pain for your care.

    It looks good on paper but it can be a painful process to adopt.  

  4. No, but I agree with the state wide health care system Romney put into place here in Massachusetts.

    Everyone gets health benefits. If you can not afford the one afford at your work, Masshealth will either put you on theirs, or help you pay for the work one. It is based on your income, if you make enough, they charge you for health care, if you don't they give it free.

    And at the end of the year, you have to prove you had health insurance by providing your account info, or you get penalized on your taxes. It works great. No one has a reason to be without insurance.

  5. I would be tempted to agree on any form of universal health care system except one which as been designed by the idiots we have in congress.

  6. There is a reason that te Canadians that can afford it to come to the US for there health care. Have you ever been to a doctors office in Canada? You think the wait is long here. Think DMV while you are sick or dieing.

         Where do you think that money comes from for that FREE health care. It is not free, unless you don't have a job, and if that is the case get off you lazy *** and find one I'm sick of paying for your food stamps.

  7. ummm... well I am not a dead beat. I work hard, pay my taxes, pay my health care insurance, give to my choice of charity's.... so NO!!!!

    I would prefer to see a doctor when I need to see one, and not have to Wait up to 5 months for an appointment. so no thank you.

    BTW.. you made up those numbers. People in the USA live well past their 80's on average. Your information is wrong.

  8. Suddenly implementing a socialized system in a free market environment would cause economic chaos. Suddenly all hospitals, taxpayers, pretty much everyone would have to switch health plans. And in the US, just look at social security, what would even guarantee benefits for all americans if social security isn't guaranteed.

  9. Main issue is, you assume that what works in Canada will work in America.  

  10. A lot of people in Canada do not like the Canadian system, and experts believe the French system is much better  and feels more like what we have now, but is a little more expensive than Canada. I would like to see us copy them, not Canada. Most of the time it doesn't matter, but when you are really sick, you want more choice about care than most single payer system offer.

  11. Yes....

    This is what made me vote for Hillary in the beginning.

    Now I still think Obama's plan is a little better than McCain's but Hillary had the right idea more than either of them...

    I have Canadian and European friends and they are totally astounded by the horrible state of healthcare in the USA.

    Even people with long-time HIV are in far better health than "normal" people in the USA. Sure, they complain about high taxes... but who doesn't occasionally need healthcare?

    And guess what - the lines are longer in America too... there are more people in Emergency rooms (who won't or can't pay) and the beaurocracy is out of control because of Insurance... it would get better and easier with a Universal plan - not more beaurocratic.

  12. Well there's no doubt their healthcare is better than ours. BUT France's healthcare system is the one to beat. They have the best healthcare in the world.

  13. The people working in it are underpaid and used...thus they have no initiative to do a good job...government bureaucracy slows down progress to a crawl...I know Canadians...they tell me this...

  14. I think we can create a system superior to Canada's. A single payer not for corporate profit system. Giving doctors the freedom to heal as best they can while still earning well. People can be paid well without corporate profiteers running up the costs. Eliminate heath insurance for profits and costs will plummet. Doctors should not fear mal-practice lawsuits, except in instances of gross neglect or fraud. Reduce or eliminate promotions and advertisements for drugs. Stress, fund, and promote prevention.

  15. Where do most Canadians go when they can't get treatment in a timely manner?

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