
Do you agree with advocates for illegal immgrents nothing wrong with stolen infor from people at least 25 ?

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Do you agree with open border advocates there is nothing wrong with stolen information from people in at least 25 states, including two people from Iowa, and from 38 people who are dead, an analysis by The Des Moines Register shows.Would you also agree with adcocates for illegals The identity theft exposed during the federal raid at Agriprocessors Inc. may have imperiled the private information of more than 230 citizens and lawful immigrants whose Social Security or resident alien numbers were used by the illegal woFalse Social Security numbers are often used on loans and financial accounts - which in turn could land on the rightful owner's record, said Bill Brauch, director of the Iowa attorney general's Consumer Protection Division. Using bogus Social Security numbers on work records causes relatively little harm, he said.

Iowans filed 1,063 identity-theft complaints in 2007, the Federal Trade Commission said. Nationally, the state ranked 48th in the number of per-capita identity-theft claims.rkers.-if these illegals were seeking a bettter life above paid taxes




  1. I don't agree with anything those nutters say especially when it comes to illegals.

  2. Beheading is appropriate for that crime and the crime of abetting it.

  3. A Republican (Regan) abolished it, Bush didn't want it and fought it down, don't know about Obama.

  4. immgrents?  WTF!?

    Is this some new word?

    I'll properly and thoroughly answer your question when you ******* learn how to spell idiot.  d**n, how do people expect the 'illegals' to learn English if our own citizens don't know English properly.

    I say we also deport all stupid Americans who can't spell our own English.  Now who's with me?

  5. Our Constitution, Article IV, Section 4, mandates that government must remove all persons illegally entering this country.  They must be 'repelled'.  

    The Founders understood that persons who disregard our laws for entry into this country cannot be trusted among us!  Identity theft is only one aspect of the trouble they are causing.

    I agree with Thomas Jefferson - when public servants no longer obey the mandates of the Constitution, they must be immediately and (if necessary) forcefully removed from office.

  6. I don't agree with any thing the advocates for illegals say.

  7. No I do not agree with them, they should be harshly punished and deported for life. I bet these judges would not be so lenient if it were their numbers.

  8. AZ passed a law making identity theft a felony. We had a case this week about 7 illegals charged with identity theft. The judge reduced the charge to a misdemeanor and gave them time served (150 days)  Isabel Garcia, a Pima Co Public Defender, argued that no one was harmed and the case was a waste of taxpayers money. One illegal used a SS# to apply for a auto loan, the car was repo'd. Just another example of our justice system at work.

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