
Do you agree with bullfighting in spain ?

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Do you agree with bullfighting in spain ?




  1. When in Rome!?!?

  2. Or Christina W in her country?

  3. Not at all. I wish tourists visiting places such as Spain would think the same way.

  4. Absolutely not.

  5. Yeah sure. When in Rome. Capeesh?

  6. i don't agree with it but i will point out that good matadors give it a quick and respectable death; a bad matador may take a few strikes, which many people dont want to see that

  7. yes when the bull wins ,

  8. No its sick, how people can get enjoyment from watching an animal suffer is just nasty.

  9. People that fight bulls must be quite strong, but I don't think they would be as strong as a bull. Therefore I agree with it.

    As for the people who don't agree with it, don't go to Spain, they probably all yogurt knitters.

    When in know the rest!

  10. totally vile pursuit.

  11. I don't agree with it in Spain or any other country.

  12. rather there than here

  13. no

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