
Do you agree with city council decision to get rid of 71 trees(for a better view)in queen e park in vancouver?

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Do you agree with city council decision to get rid of 71 trees(for a better view)in queen e park in vancouver?




  1. I have never been to Vancouver...but i really feel strongly about these types of things.

    No way should those trees be taken away, just for a view, go somewhere else for a better view!!!!

    I hate this type of thing so my local area, they are planning to run a main road straight through the centre of our local woodland!!!!!!!!

    Why do they have to do this, it drives me mad!!!!!!!

    What about the wildlife??

    By the time my children have grown and had their own children, there will be no greenery around, just a mass of concrete and brick!!

  2. Though I am not from, nor have ever been too, Vancouver, I am against the removal of any trees that are not diseased or in some way endangering people's safety, (or the prosperity of other trees, i.e. over crowding). It seems trivial to remove, and essentially kill, pieces of nature just to procure a 'better view'. Although, I can hardly see how the removal of 71 trees can really affect the overall planet's condition when, probably as we speak, hundreds of thousands of trees are being removed from large forests, both tropical and boreal.

  3. I don't agree.  Trees provide things that help us breathe!  We need trees!

  4. I've olny been to Vancouver, BC a couple of times - beautiful city. I seem to recall hearing on several occasions that it is a role model for other cities attempting to become more "green." The only reason that the city council could make such a contradictory decision must be because those that want the view have more power/money/influence than those that don't.

  5. Yes its a big deal, may "only" be 71 trees there but where does it stop? is 72 too many? no 1 is, if its not hurting anything then leave them, they certainly can't be that bad of a view!

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