
Do you agree with euthanasia?

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I do - when someones suffering is so unbearable.

They don't allow animals to suffer like that.




  1. yes i do

    people should be allowed to die if their suffering is unbearable

  2. Yes, if a person is suffering and wants to be allowed to die but is unable to end it by themselves.  I don't think anyone should be prosecuted for assisting someone to die if it was that persons wish to do so.  

  3. Yes.

  4. I do.  My grandma came home recently after visiting a friend in a care home, her friend was pretty much a vegetable and they're just waiting for him to die really, and she asked me to do something if ever she gets to that point.  Its awful to see people like that, but I found seeing my grandma worse, she's terrified of that happening to her.  Its just not humane keeping people alive, it doesn't help anybody, least of all them.

  5. Yes, especially for children who shout and scream in public and are not controlled by their parents.

  6. Yes if the person ill choses so.

  7. Yes, just get me the needle and i'll do it me bluddy self.

  8. yes but only its if a free choice also pro-abortion and suicide its your life do with it as you will. mind you i'm also pro death penalty if you've shown your self to be a danger to society but committing murder than you should forfit your life too. one strike ya out o' here  

  9. Well I agree cause when an animal suffers and there's no way for it to be fine again...then yes...Don't let it suffer...I did euthanasia in my dog cause she was sufering a lot....

  10. that depends on what her question was.

  11. Thank God that I have never had to face a choice like that. I had a friend whose brothers and sisters wanted to pull the plug on her mom. She got "power of attorney" and brought her mom home and took care of her for a couple years. Her mom was happy to have lived those last few more years with her daughter.

  12. Yes, but there need to be legal and procedural safeguards built in, especially where the sufferer's mental capacity is in doubt.

  13. I personally don't agree with euthanasia - as I see this as assisted suicide and therefore it puts the people/person who assisted you to die in a very difficult position with the chance of prosecutions later. Plus they have to live with their conscience.

    However if someone diagnosed with a terminal illness wishes to commit suicide without assistance then that is their choice and their right to end their life.

  14. As long as it is not compulsory yes.

  15. Dunno, its just one of those things you can't understand unless you're in that situation

  16. if someone is suffering so much then they should be allowed to rest

  17. Why is it humane to shoot a horse with a broken leg, but you can't put human sufferers out of their misery?

    I have had my share of animals and spent millions in vet bills (still do).  I would and have had to put an animal down before.

    Ever heard the story of two grandparents being found in their running car inside the garage?  Some people are just ready to go.

    Nice question.

  18. Yes, if they are ill. For example a cold, or if they have a splinter or split ends.

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