
Do you agree with fascists like James Hansen who want to imprison those who doubt AGW?

by Guest59577  |  earlier

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  1. James Hansen face could end up on a milk carton to,playing ruff with the big boys

  2. The dork Hansen is most definitely a fascist, and only imbecilles or the complicit would state otherwise.  Only imbecilles and the complicit would imply even remotely that a fascist would admit to being such; Hitler never said, "Fellow Germans, follow me, I'm a good fascist!"  But the social psychological use of fear and dread for the future is fundamental to both Hitler and "New Age" dorks like Hansen. The other intrinsic deployment of fascists like Hansen is threats, however subtle or coy, and of course being an abject LIAR!

    My email of yesterday to Hansen speaks for itself, here:


  3. Yes, I think Hansen has a case. And I would personally like to see Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and all the rest of those clones publicly disgraced for their high crimes against intellectual honesty and human decency. They have turned a serious science issue into a juvenile mockery of basic reasoning skills.

  4. I think that most Fascists would be flattered to be associated with someone having the stature of James Hansen.  Hansen thinks that deliberate misrepresentation at a high level is criminal.  it's not economic to lock up minor players like yourself, but just in case, where did you say you live? ;->

  5. I don't think he's a facist, but I do agree with what he actually said-that if CEOs of fossil fuel companies are deliberately misleading the public they should be put on trial.  That's obviously a criminal act.  Mischaracterizing his comments to imply that he wants to 'imprison those who doubt AGW' is also a crime...but only against reading comprehension.

  6. You can't imprison someone just for doubting something.  But if they are damaging the health of the public, then by all means they should be held accountable.

  7. People have been imprisoned or even executed for less. Like just for having Jewish parents for example. It happens. It isn't good, but it happens. The fact that these kinds of things do happen is a much worse problem than global warming.

  8. David Suzuki, Canada's know-it-all with regards to global warming called for the imprisonment of any politician who doesn't agree with his opinion in a recent speech at a Montreal university.  Suzuki is regularly seen on Canada's 'The Weather Network' crying and babbling about something or other.  So we've heard it here before, it's not new.  But it is definitely a signal of just how dangerous the alarmists are who support wacko science and their weak little global warming theories.

  9. The world isn't flat and you won't fall off the end of it. James Hansen is a scientist that is taking oil executives to task because they are affecting your life and mine denying that global warming exists.

    He is trying to save your life. Global warming isn't about heating up the north and making it tropical, it is about species threatening changes(we are one)

    His science is missing critical data but the issue is much more dire than he is stating. I am a temperature specialist and get to actually see temperature generated by man that is warming the globe.

    The science is missing data but don't kid yourself, environmental h**l is coming for what we are doing under the guise of sustainable development. Why wouldn't you have a meeting in the garage with the car running? It would kill you and everyone in the garage. Take a look at the news, the traffic and the poisons spewing into the bigger garage(the atmosphere that allows us to breath)

    Breath deep and tell your sick friends about professionals like James Hansen that tried to help us breath. Oil executives better understand the fact their own children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers are not exempt from the toxicity of burning oil to run the world. We need to use oil responsibly or our children won't have a future and their children won't be able to have children.

    We can export our environmental toxins to China, India or any place, it will all come back at us in the air, food and water.

    Good for Hansen, he is protecting the oil industries children while their parents don't understand.

    I design for and create emissions to produce energy to run the world. The emissions aren't just trapping heat, they are poison, toxic, mercury and the toxicity ratio in newborns is 100%. The idea that a developing fetus is living in this toxic soup inside their mother is horrifying. How does a baby that has never taken a breath get banned pesticides, fire retardent, mercury, incinerated garbage, etc inside them before they take their first breath?

    Go to the following link, scroll to the picture of the fetus where you link to the study on polluted newborns.

    Proud of Hansen, I would like to support him in his meeting except the urgency is much greater than he is reporting. I want to speak to Congress based on the same urgency and I am the emissions specialist.

  10. First I have not heard of this--- but if he DID say it-- he is an idiot!

  11. Would you agree that any CEO or politician that knowingly puts out false information, resulting in harm to others, for personal gain has committed a crime and should be tried?

    I thought conservatives like you were "tough on crime".

    The scientifically misinformed have already called for taking Al Gore to court. The claim was that he's mislead the public for his own financial gain. And the doubters cheered that suggestion. Yet when the shoe's on the other foot and it's suggested that the CEO of Exxon-Mobil should justify his actions in court they it's fascism? Such hypocrisy is astounding.

  12. It is the politicization of science and it's what happened in n**i Germany in the 1930s.

    And it is just further evidence that Vaclav Klaus was right.

  13. I agree that it is wrong, but please stop using the word "fascist" incorrectly. Might I recommend the collection of works on the subject by Lean Trotsky, "What is Fascism and How to Fight It" to clarify the meaning of the word.

  14. Note: I would recommend the book Liberal Fascism by Johan Goldberg.  It exposes facism and the American lefts close association with it.

    I wonder if Dana and Bob will still insist Hansen is simply a scientist and is not a political hack.  How foolish of me, of course they will.

  15. he's not a fascist.

    and the article does not say he wants "to imprison those who doubt AGW".

    what it does say is that he has a problem with CEOs, that have likely lied under oath concerning global warming.

    just like the CEOs of the tobacco companies lied under oath about the addictiveness, and dangers of tobacco.

    one might note that the tobacco companies were targeting kids.

    when i was in highschool, the tobacco companies hired people to give cigarettes away outside highschools.

    essentially the same thing is happening today, with the energy companies paying people to lie to governments and the public.

    so yep, i agree with his actual goals, not your incorrect reporting of them.

  16. How could any rational person agree with Hansen on this? It's sad and illustrates how desperate the AGW crowd can be when facts stubbornly refuse to fit their models and theory. Along with calling anyone who questions even a tiny bit of their theory a denier, a'la Holocaust Denier. The first person to use a pejorative has automatically lost the debate in my opinion.

    Hansen has been engaged in a pattern of distortion until now, maybe he's ready to move to something more forceful. Using formula he won't disclose to 'adjust' known temp data for previous years until they fit his criteria is laughably inept, yet some continue to consider him a scientist of "stature". Can someone explain why temp that was accurately measured 10 years ago needs to be corrected again and again? That's a bit like oil companies trying to pretend prices have gone up by just repeating over and over that in 1998 gas was $4 a gallon. If you wouldn't believe that, why would you believe anything Hansen has to say?

    Ultimately the truth about global warming will come out but it may take a long time, almost certainly Hansen will have left the scene by then. I doubt history books will look kindly on the man who has almost single-handedly brought on the current hysteria called global warming, no wait, it's climate change now.

    If his goal is to foster solar and wind power we have that in common but unlike him I don't believe any means to a positive end is justifiable. And that's putting it in the kindest possible light regarding his motives. His best case scenario is far worse than the worst case scenario from the IPCC. No matter how often his predictions fail to come true he is undaunted and makes new even more dire predictions as if that will scare us into forgetting his past errors.

    I'd like a simple explanation myself for how the Earth endured CO2 levels 20 times higher than the current level with temp only 7C warmer. Granted the Earth biosphere and continental formation and atmosphere was different then, but if CO2 is such a huge influence on temp then why does this graph clearly show an ice age with much higher CO2 levels and no link at all between CO2 and temp over a 550 million year span?

  17. Calling Hansen a fascist is a bit rich when all he has said is that they are "fully aware of the disinformation about climate change they are spreading"

    They have said as much by admitting they have been funding groups that spread this information and they now are stopping that funding and admit that GW is a problem.

    The text of his statement to congress

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