
Do you agree with mccain to solve illegal inmigration?

by Guest61472  |  earlier

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do you agree with mc cain and his plan to solve illegal inmigration in the united states if you are not familiar with this i will explain mc cain said if he becomes president he will legalize all illegal inmigrants in the united states but one of the requirements to become a legal resident is for this inmigrants to pay a ticket of probably a few thousands dollar and to go back to their origin country and then to try to get a visa, but i think is just a trick to get all the inmigrants out of the country and dont let them in again? whats your opinion?




  1. Never, but I do agree with Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul on illegal immigration.

  2. McCain is pandering to Hispanics most of who won't vote for him anyway.

    Both these clowns favor some sort of amnesty although McCain has lately been very vague about it.

    Obama in a speech last week came out and supported amnesty,

    The only way to assure there will be no amnesty is to put more Republicans in Congress-Republicans overwhelmingly are against amnesty and illegal immigration.

    If Obama wins and more Democrats are elected there will be an amnesty bill passed next year.

  3. I need to know who to contact in the state of Virginia as a born US Citizen about some laws of this country. There are so many immigrants who boast of coming to give birth FREE in the USA and having instant citizenship and benefits for their babies. In certain countries you have to wait 7yrs before a child is granted citizenship after birth. In the US NO. Why? They have babies free at the hospitals and me being a citizen pay for the cost. Mind you, these people are rich people from wherever they come from and boast about using USA. I need help to change my country laws. Not only that, legal immigrants should wait a minimum of 10 years to become citizens and renew their permits often since fees collected in this process will bring revenue to the USA.

    Thank You.

  4. He's full of it, and I'm not buying it! He's only trying to win some Hispanic vote. I think he still has some shrapnel in his head.


  5. Their stance on illegal immigration is c**p. Just fine the employers who hire them and deport the illegals!

  6. The Republicans will never give up this source of cheap labor to displace expensive American workers and make us more competitive in the world.

  7. Really, the first thing that must be done id ruthless enforcement of the workplace rules against hiring illegals. If there were no jobs for the illegals, they would go home again. They are only here because employers, mainly Republicans, like the cheap labor illegals represent, and the Republican controlled government is choosing to be very slack in enforcing the rules already on the books.

  8. I like his plan, even if he simply gets all the illegal criminals out for a little while.  The majority would not pay the fine and would not bother with applying to come back legally.  Much to lazy for that plus the fact that most would not pass the screenings to enter the U. S. of A.

  9. I think it's lame, he's just pandering for the Hispanic vote since, for some odd reason, legalizing invaders is important to them.

    I vote for fining employers who hire them and deporting any illegal caught.

    Viva La Home Depot Task Force

  10. I sure hope McCain didn't use the word "solve" when pertaining to that pathetic idea of his. That doesn't solve a darn thing.  He needs to stop sugar coating people that p**s on our immigration laws.

  11. i don,t agree with mccain or obama on illegal immigration. all illegals should be shipped back and even though it would cost america roughly 3 billion to do this it would save us 30 billion in free healthcare, education, food stamps, hud and our crime to feed and house them. mccain and obama are both too liberal on this issue.

  12. Whatever it takes.

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