
Do you agree with me? i just want your opinions.?

by  |  earlier

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when you post up a question that you need help in, you appreciate the people that answer it thoughtfully.. right?.. and when you stumble upon a question that is very stupid,doesnt even apply to the question you asked, and its bull.. do you wonder why people even bother to answer it? cuz i do.. my opinion is that i think they really should just get straight to the point and answer it with an ANSWER that makes sense.




  1. MY pet peeve are the people who write " idk " , or "don't know" - as if we actually CARE that they're stupid and don't know!  Why waste our time with that?   I generally report those as " no answer, " so maybe they'll stop doing it just for 2 pts.  The answers you see that don't apply to the question usually have a spam website link attached to them; and those should be reported too.  If more people reported inappropriate answers, we'd see less of them on here.....

  2. of cores if you just type in some radon stuff its a waste of time

  3. i agree it is so useless when u really want an answer and people say stuff that doesn't make any sense its just a waste of time to read it. people just want the points and that's not fair because this was created so people get answers right? so it kinda defeats the purpose.

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