
Do you agree with me when I say that Paul Pierce is way better than Bryant?

by Guest56190  |  earlier

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Cause I personally think that Paul "The Truth" Pierce is wayyyyyy better than

Former NBA Star Bryant "Big Country" Reeves

Am I right?





  2. AY Don't Ever Try My Boy KObe Like Dat the only reason Paul Peirce won a championship is KG because all ray allen  can do is shoot because he was on LOCKDOWN VS THE CAVS

    P.S. Kobe MVP 2007-2008

           Pierce MVP ?????????????????????????

  3. Pierce sucks big time, wanna see big country kick the c**p out of pierce...the guy practically gave up and got fat when his celtics were bottom dwellers. and now that he has his "gang" he thinks they are all that! WTF!!  mike bibby is right about the celtics and their fans

  4. no kobe is better than Pierce but not way better then Pierce  


    pierce is good but i dont remember pierce scoring 81 points

    is this a joke pierce is getting all cocky because he won a ring over the


    if it wasnt for ray allen and kg pierce wouldnt have won that champion

    its not kbes fault hes the only dominate player on the team

    and overrated dereck fisher

    **** you you ***** i dont think you know kobe or paul pierce if your asking this dum ****** *** question

  6. LOL!!!

    I believe you are right this time!!!

    G0t it? Go0d!!!!!

  7. h**l no! Bryant is da bomb

  8. Of course! Not only do I agree, but it's a fact.

  9. Yes you're d**n right! Hahaha.

    P.S. I think you're d**n HOT! =)

  10. Yeah, but then Pierce DID take that other Bryant guy to school in the Finals.

  11. pierce is better than reeves, but not bryant, im not a laker fan but i think if garnett and allen is not on the team, celtics will not even reach playoffs

  12. pierce has a better team and is a better team player+leader

    bryant is better by himself

  13. Allow me to say at to u it was this season. All time Kobe

    Im a Spurs fan

  14. hahah paul best player in the world hahaha haha best player hahahha

  15. giddy up

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