
Do you agree with my friends theory?

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My friend,

Who is a 16 year old boy,

And really, really smart too.

Not like book smart,

but actual thinking smart.

And he says we don't really LEARN anything in school.

They are not teaching us about the inavidual subjects,

but instead teaching us the routine of them to prepare us for careers.

We are not learning anything, but instead doing the same thing over and over, and over again.

That is the only skill we are learning in school,

because that is the only one we will need in the future.

Do you agree with him?




  1. school is actually teaching us NOTHING at all in my perspective.  i believe that life is all about communication and socializing. even the stupidest person who can easily talk to people through interviews will win the job because they know how to play with their interviewees and basically persuade them to hire. thats what i believe. you can basically get whatever you want if you can talk to them right. rubbing them the right way in other words. so i kinda agree but not totally. school doesn't plan us for our careers or anything because they don't teach so how do they help us for our careers. thats his only flaw in his theory.

  2. Your  "smart"  friend  is  clueless .

    He  is  copycatting  the   older  rebel  chat .

    Reality  >  Some  people  DO  learn  ( aka  keepers )

    And  some  do  Not ,  ( they  become  disposables )

    But   you   will  NOT   be  able  to  do  Any  career

    If   you  are  an  illiterate ,  

    Not   proficient  at  real  communication  or  math .

    And  the  'smart'  guys  who  don't  learn ,   can't   get  past  college  for  the  good  careers  because  the  idiots  rejected  all  the  foundation  knowledge  you  need  to  cut  it   in  medical  fields ,  engineering ,   IT  work ,  international  business  or  anything  significant .

    Your  smart  friend  will  qualify  for  jobs  at  Jack in the Box ,  maybe .

    He  is  your  typical  crybaby  that  is  too  lazy  to  learn  now ,

    And  will  be  the  uber  time  sniveler  when  his  crummy  job   at  30  years  old  is  still paying  him  minimum  wage .

    Smart  requires  More  than  thinking ,

    It   requires  a  solid  evaluation  of   the  aspects .  .  .

    Too  bad  he  FLUNKS  evaluation  of  reality .


  3. Pretty much true. Ten years from now you'll remember almost nothing from what you learned in high school. (Why do you think the people from that game show ' Are you smarter than a 5th grader' always do so poorly?)

    High school is teaching you important skills you might need in the future.

    It helps you understand what you might what to do in the future. If you decide to become an accountant your math skill will improve but only to a limited extent, you won't retain what you learned in calculus or any unrelated class.

  4. I would say that's a big part of it.  What you are learning in school is: a) how to learn; and b) how to apply yourself; and c) the subject matter itself.  They are all important.

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