News has it that Vince McMahon was upset that R-Truth didn't go over Kenny Dykstra in a squash match but instead let him get some offense. If it had been a squash Killings would have been made to look dominant. Before Killings made his debut there was news that he would be pushed as a top star on Smackdown. Weeks later fans started worrying that WWE would just bury Killings in a matter of weeks. People often complain about wrestlers not getting pushed or not having what it takes to get push. Based on the rumors/news that I reported here's what I think:
Your average WWE wrestler is just as important as WWE makes him out to be.
If WWE builds a debut with promos, plants a new wrestler in the main event and makes him look dominant, then that person could easily achieve greatness in WWE. I don't want people to take my thought process to literally but just tell me what you think. Here's my basic scenario. If R-Truth had made his debut weeks ago, won almost all his matches including some squash matches, attacked the winner or the championship scramble at Unforgiven, and demanded a title shot, would he make a believable #1 contender for the belt and a believable champion? And also do you agree with the statement I wrote above?