
Do you agree with my policies?

by  |  earlier

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I promise to

1. Put Mooseburgers on every American menu

2. Make hunting and fishing part of the high school graduation requirements

3. Ensure you carry your baby full-term no matter what. I did it.

4. Send your daughters to the front line along with your sons

and finally

5. Cover D.C. with ice so my husband has transportation.

This I SWEAR to you.




  1. Well, yes, yes I do!  Thanks for asking!  How about MY policies when dealing with these countries/people:

    Iran - whack 'em. Whack them all. Neutron bombs are probably the answer there. Leave the infrastructure intact, destroy the biological materials (people). Once they're all dead, their resources are available for our use.

    China / Russia - butt out of their freakin' business. I don't care whether the Chinese or Russians extend these make-believe "human rights" to their people or not. It's not our business. You handles yours, and I handles mines... We could collaborate with these two countries and divide the Iran resources equally.

    North Korea - Seems like a nuclear "accident" is a definite possibility here - I would help it to happen. Maybe introduce a "scientist" who makes a small "mistake" here and there...ka-boom! Afterwards, the South Korean government can roll in and care for the population or enslave them - whatever the South Korean's decide. (I'm not unreasonable.)

    Venezuela - Kill Chavez. Severely - and I do mean severely - punish anyone in their military who make the slightest move toward resistance. Take complete command of their oil producing capabilities and install a government who understands - completely - who now "owns" them.

    The list above would probably take me 4 - 6 months to accomplish. Next, it's time to look at the "non-productive" members of our own society: the criminal element; the homosexuals; the unpatriotic (Democrats, generally), et cetera, and decide what I'm willing to tolerate from them. It won't be much...

  2. Nope.  I do agree that you're a liberal who is attempting to be funny and not succeeding.  Palin really scares you guys, apparently.

  3. 1. Haven't tried it, so I won't bunk it.

    2. Probably not a bad idea to learn to catch your own food.

    3. You make it, you raise it.

    4. Sounds like sexual equality. Horrible, isn't it?

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