The paradox is as follows. Consider the following sentence:
Is the above sentence true or false? It seems to be true if it is false, and vice versa. This is a long-standing philosophical problem.
My solution:
To begin with, there is nothing by which the truth-value of 'This sentence is not true' (let's call this statement P) can be ascertained. It is neither true nor false, hence it is not true. So it has an initial element of non-truth (N). Since P asserts that it is not true, its truth-value can now be judged with reference to this first element, and in this context it is true. So it has a second element, i.e. 'true' (T). Thereafter it has an infinite sequence of alternating elements N and T.
There is no contradiction here, since the elements are logically sequential, not simultaneous. They refer to different questions: element 1 answers the question 'Is P true at the initial stage of analysis?' whereas element 2 gives the answer to 'Is P true, given element 1?', and so on. The earlier elements remain correct even after the later ones have been added; indeed, the later ones depend on them.
P differs from most sentences in that it has a complex pattern of truth-values; but mere complexity does not constitute a paradox.
I would like an expert in logic to give me a detailed assessment of the above argument. Can anyone help here, or direct me to a website where I can pursue this matter?