
Do you agree with the Home Sec. Jacqui Smith, that the British public should not just walk away from crime?

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Do you agree with the Home Sec. Jacqui Smith, that the British public should not just walk away from crime?




  1. Nu Layber are doing too little, too late. They are suddenly realising that their bleeding heart so-called, 'socialism' is not working. Finally smelt the coffee, any decent person could have told tham that YEARS ago. In fact we did but these egotistical dictators decided to pursue the nanny state option - do as we say, not as we do. Losers.

  2. Years ago you probably could intervene, i remember being out one night and seeing a young lad getting the c**p beaten out of him, i stopped my car and asked what the h***s going on here! The lads administering the beating ran off, i guess they though i was gonna call the old bill. Today? I run the risk of getting a beating myself, or if really unlucky, getting stabbed. That thought would make me think twice now, but i guess it depends on how serious the crime is....... i like to think i would still do/say something.

  3. hey look it cops armed with big sticks and cs gas get bitten by a chav

    what chance do i have? oh and if i must get involved will Harriet Harman lend me her stab proof vest??

  4. I guess I would stop to help, but because that's my nature, not because SHE suggested it.  

    Silly woman, what does she know?  If she was so concerned she'd be doing her bit too, like making it hard on violent criminals and protecting the innocent, you know, like doing her job properly and not telling us to do it for her!!!!

  5. My experience seems to be similar to Digger Smith, I agree with him.

  6. Talk about passing the buck!

    Most decent people would want to help but have learnt the hard way that it's not a wise thing to do in view of the fact that you can either get killed or certainly get arrested.

  7. unfortunately, unless you can disarm a moron with a knife, what can you do, the only deterrent is to put them into prison for ten years hard labour

  8. Well if anyone tried to attack me or take any personal possession off me, you could be rest assured they would get a surprise, as I do what my Grandmother told me to do and that is carry a big hat pin at the back of my lapel. One jab with that they would go away screaming.

  9. yes, the only way we can beat it is if all of s stop looking the

    other way and be willing to stand up in court

  10. I haven't followed all of this, but if the Home Secretary is getting heard on this she is pretty much in touch, and if the police say that if you don't have experience you should pretty much leave it up to the professionals, then do that.  If you want to get your head kicked in  - fine, but I am not seeing at the moment anyone telling you what compensation you will get if you get injured in this sort of attempt.  Call me a skeptic if you like, I hold an open mind till I am proved otherwise.

  11. if Nu-labour hadn't tied policemen/women to their computers completing a pile of paperwork, for majority of their shift, JUST to fulfil government quangos pointless targets,

    that the government bodies manipulate ( anyway ) & lie to the general public, we wouldn't need to help the over-stretched police-force to do their jobs in the first place!

    it's a mouthful but that's what I think.

  12. My daughter's fiance was set on by three drunken thugs. My daughter got an official police caution for helping him.

  13. Yes you all should have guns and arrest powers .

  14. Just seen it on Yahoo news. I admit, with a modicum of doubt, that she is correct.. No situation is the same and obviously common sense must prevail, owing to the type of problem occurring and the type of person you are. At my age now I am an OAP ex bobby, I would probably shout to pack it in and leave that poor person alone before the police come. When I was fit and younger I would have been in without even thinking about it, to help some poor sod.. This has happened several times since my retirement, and each time I received a rollicking off the wife, as she didn;t want to see me get hurt, you see. I have been lucky I suppose, I just recieved gob loads of abuse and called every old thing you can think of. you can't expect our ladies to go in or old blokes knocking on a bit, but if I was younger or even fitter I would be in there like a  shot. Just use your common. We all know society is not the same now, it hasn't been since our dear Dame Maggie Thatcher, who proudly pronounced to her 'city' chums. ' There is no such thing as society, only individuals'. She was a wicked 'un she was.

    I do agree with Mrs Smiths words. 'I hope Britain is still a land were its people were willing to stand up for others. (like it used to be)

    edit:  See what I mean, they're on about sodding compensation already ! They're too busy worrying about their big new houses and cars and their second  foreign holiday, we have bred a load of whimps. It is the DUTY of every British citizen to do something should he/she see a crime occurring.

    The trouble is they have fared too well under this Labour Govt.

    It doesn't necessarily men intervene ,but do something. Our police forces cannot do their job with Joe Public.

    edit;  Smart *** Mogollen to ease you of your ignorance Every citizen of our nation has the power to arrest if a crime has been SEEN committed

  15. More spin from New Labour. Every time there is a stabbing or shooting they come out with more words but never back it up with action. We need tougher policing, tougher courts and tougher prisons. Stop making excuses for the louts and layabouts who cause most of the crime and start making them think about the consequences. Personally if they are so keen on carrying guns and knives I would send them all to Iraq or Afghanistan and see how brave they all are.

  16. yes, lets all run towards it and get stabbed and beat up or arrested for trying to help!!!


  18. ur dammed if u do and dammed if you dont.  recently there have been cases where people have been defending themselves against criminals but then its them, the innocent person, who ends up in "hot water" with the police or dead!  

    We pay our taxes for the police service, therefore jacqui smith needs to look at where that money is being spent, as you hardly see a bobby on beat nowadays and thats because of all the red tape they have to plow through.

  19. ...and risk either being injured,or arrested for assault.Hmm,difficult choice!

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