
Do you agree with the Republicans that we need less government? Do you agree, small businesses are over taxed?

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I agree with McCain cutting taxes on small businesses. The reason so many small business do not make it is because of all the fees associated with opening. You have taxes, permit fees, sign fees, all kinds of fees even before you make any profit. So, if your company does not hit the ball out the park quickly thoses fees and taxes can really take a chunk out of you. I am voting McCain because I believe small businesses are need in America and I believe they are the backbone of our great nation.




  1. i agree that big business is under taxed,

  2. Yes I agree less government,less regulation, the free market can solve any problem if left alone, including our latest high energy prices, these are cause by government intervention preventing us from increasing supply, also higher taxes hurts everyone directly or indirectly.

  3. Yes most of us work for small company's this keeps them from giving raises and insurances thus making us a ward of the state which is the dem s plan for all citizens.  

  4. You don't understand

    With bigger Gov and taxes we can control and take care of more people

    You know , the ones who haven't been able to avail themseves of the promise of America that you have the absolute right to fail.

    If we have fewer people  -Not_ dependant on government what would we do?

    Work 2-3 months a year in DC and have to acually go live with those people

  5. Yes and yes.  Who would disagree on less taxes and less government?  

  6. Yes, and yes. Agreed on both counts.

  7. Yes, I agree we need less federal government.  I also believe that all businesses, and people for that matter, are over taxed.

    Just 8 short years ago, the federal government was 1.8 trillion.  This year it's 3.1 Trillion.  Inflation adjusted that's a 2.3 Trillion budget in 2000 vs a 3.1 Trillion this year.  We're spending 35% more in real dollars then we spent just 8 short years ago?  Why?  What are we getting now that we weren't 8 years ago.  OK, we've got the war spending.  Call it 150 billion a year.  Where's the other 650 Billion going?

  8. Agree? Are you serious? Does DHS ring a bell?

    The current Rep government has introduced MORE

    government than all other governments in the past

    together. The state deficit is on the way to Mars.

    And if you look at them and what they do besides

    ruining the country. Do you really think any of them

    has an interest in SMALL BUSINESS getting a better

    foothold? I'd also suggest you have an actual look

    at state taxes side by side. Maybe you want to have

    a look at AKs taxes compared to the national average.

    Palin's pro tax cut...right? :)

  9. That's one thing I do agree with the Republicans on.  The amount of taxes, regulation, registration fees, payroll filings, corporate filings, etc. are overwhelming to many small business owners.  And if they don't understand it all, and don't do it right from the start the penalties can be outrageous as well.

    I make a living on helping guys keep it all straight, but I'd rather see it simplified and find something else to do.

    I have other issues with McCain & the Republicans, but this is one where I think they're on the money.

  10. I agree.

  11. Just go into any small business and ask them are they doing any better than what they were 8 years ago.  Understand they may not be being taxed but they are not making money so no money LESS TAXES!

  12. They are overtaxed because the cons give all the tax break to big oil and other big corporations.That's unfair.Obama 08

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