
Do you agree with the UK Governments plans to "legitimise" illegal immigrants?

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Anyone thank can hide out from the officials for 3 months, then stump up a bit of cash will be handed British Citizenship, what ever that means these days. Sounds like Passports for Cash to me. Maybe I'm daft, but won't this just encourage more illegals to try getting into the country?




  1. yeah you're right. It's already better for half the world to be here illegally than in their own country.. so that will just cause an explosion.. if these people know that there is actually a way in.

    That bill would never be passed, the british public would go mental!

  2. Absolutely!

  3. Agree with the others here - at best it's a naive "if we track them down then they will pay tax" scenario. But it does indeed reward lawbreaking, so shouldn't be countenanced.

  4. Pretty much what 'they' are trying to do in the US of A.  DON'T LET IT HAPPEN.  Check what is going on in my country.  You do not want yours becoming a cesspool and having the illegal aliens getting more rights than your citizens.

  5. who would want to immigrate to the UK?

  6. Hey all we have to do is hide away until we have nicked five grand off of the Brits bingo we are a citizen!

  7. How are these illegal immigrants going to earn all this money honestly? By definition, as they had no right to work in the UK, they must have been working in the black market.

    Typical confused Labour thinking!

  8. new labour makes crime pay!

    All it will do is encourage more illegal immigration and rewards people who break the law.

  9. I think it's an absolute disgrace and they are doing it because they are incapable of controlling immigration.  I know how I'd control it.  I'd stop all immigration into this country.

  10. I think you, and the others in this thread, are  a bit confused!

    This has been suggested by a think-tank, and has nothing to do with the Government.

    This is what the Government think of the idea ...

    "Minister for Borders and Immigration Liam Byrne said: "This proposal is truly preposterous. We will never reward illegal immigrants with an amnesty, never mind an amnesty for sale ..."

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