
Do you agree with the alcohol ban on London Tube's?

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Do you agree with the alcohol ban on London Tube's?




  1. not really? who's going to stop LONDON drinking on the underground? is boris ready police each underground station

  2. yes

  3. Yes, why would anyone need to drink whilst travelling anyway?

  4. I kinda agree with someone who said Boris has found a solution to a non-existant problem. I have never had any trouble on the tube, and anyway, they aren't preventing drunk people from using it, only from actually drinking whilst using it. Doesn't make a massive difference if you ask me.

  5. No, I think we should tackle anti-social behaviour using the laws that are already in place, not place restrictions on the 90% of the adult drinking population who are more than capable of restraining themselves and not behaving like louts. Anyway, most drunken yobs on the tube are not people who've been drinking on the tube at all, its people getting on the tube drunk - totally different problem. Hx

  6. yes. i was once harassed by a woman who was half drunk

  7. Yes but only because its public transportation. People shouldn't have to be exposed to other's drinking if they dont want to. Drinking shouldn't be allowed on any public transportation because it may offend folks.

  8. Yes most definitely. There is too much alcohol related violence happening. The more bans the better.

  9. Definetely this isn't because i consider it bad in general ( ido) but it can be dangerous on the tube and affect people around them.

  10. Yes, it will be as easy or as difficult to police as the smoking ban on the tube was.

  11. Yes.  Drunken louts scare the h**l out of me, and my kids too.  We were in London yesterday, but thankfully just missed all the trouble.  I'd have had panic attacks coming into contact with all that lot of ignoramuses.

  12. Why not?  As far as I know, London's Tube is unlicensed and was never designed for booze parties, so what moron ever thought otherwise?  For a booze party, you either have it in licensed premises, or in private ones; the Tube is neither of these, but a means for all to travel around London!

    Drinkers have a right to enjoy their fun- but not at the expense of everyone else!  One of the obligations of being grown up, is that you have to respect the rights of others- and that includes the right of the general public to travel without leery idiots drinking and causing mayhem on the Tube!

    Boris is absolutely right to ban drinking on the Tube- the only surprise is that it took the arrival of Boris Johnson before this was recognised by the powers that be!

  13. Yes i do but I don't see how they will enforce it.

  14. I can see the reasons behind it.  No one wants tourists thinking Londoners are a bunch of drunken louts.  It will not stop it though.  London Transport staff have enough to do without fining people for carrying a can of lager.  After all, if they don't open it until they're on the tube, nothing much they can do about it is there as they can't stop people carrying unopened ones.  Otherwise no one would be able to buy a nice bottle of wine at the shops and get the bus home with it would they?  I think we'll see an increase of people carrying bottles of coke with them on the tube and bus instead (but they'll have a fair amount of vodka in it I would assume).  They're not exactly going to enforce it either, you might get a fine if you refuse to abandon it which means they've got to catch you first and even if you do, you just give it to them and get off scott free.

  15. Absolutely

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