
Do you agree with the creation of private universities in Greece?

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and explain why you agree/disagree




  1. I agree with the creation of private universities, in the sense of being real universities - not just a couple of majors and that's it!

    Personally l agree with the improvement of education and system in the government universities. I don't agree that private universities in Greece will improve the educational system if the current situation stays the same. I worked for an educational institution - private college( cannot name it here but it has a high status in Greece and in the rest of the Balkan region)  and l know  pretty much about their internal situation - exam boards, staff , research , level of students etc. Their main goal is not to produce original research and high level students but to attract - induct as many students as they can ( no matter their level) The point is that private institutions remain a pure business based on profit - loss. Of course they are necessary, therefore private universities should both produce high level education and be a successful business in the educational market of Greece and of other countries.

  2. education is a basic human right

    and should be accessable to every human being who wants to better themselves.

    the only way to improve the world is through education

    private education doesn't work for the community as a whole

  3. I will give some exemples about the universities from Brazil, there you can found private universities and public and It really makes differences social Class in the country;

    Some can pay for It, others can not so like this we can see the diferences social Class that I think so bad for a country.

    I think that in Greece It is perfect, It should not have private universities like the other countries, what they want is money because a public one can teach ours very well 2. I had studdy in public and private one so I know what Im talking about...

    The private university will make "propaganda" and people will work hard just to studdy there, thinking that the private is better... came on.

    In Portugal there is not public universitie and people are working like crazy just to tray to pay an universitie that is too expensive, I don't agree with that... Some people don't have money to go to a university here, 100% public there is not here. The world would be perfect if was just like Greece about the universitie.

    It will make differences social Class, some people will think: "I'm better then you because I studdy in private universitie, I know more then you for It".

    And I'm sureeee that the privates ones will be for people that do not have a good notes to get into universities and like this they will ask for money... in the public u know how hard is to get in because we need good notes and in the private we just need money... So it will create corruption and differences social class.

    I disagree...

  4. I absolutely agree.

    I have seen doctors with my own eyes mock farmers because of their dialect. I  asked the doctor where was he educated, and he said in Greece. "So this mans taxes paid for your education, and now you mock him?"

    But that was just one person. The other reason being that the facilities in public education are horrific. The teachers are anything but teachers.

    In private education, student loans can be taken, scholarships can be won.  The level of education will be higher, the "eternal student" will have to think twice.

    I am in university here in tiny New Zealand. It is a world renowned institution which has a focus on original research. Most PH D's are fully subsidized, including living expenses.

    I have free, high quality student health. Because of my disability, I get transport to and from the university. I can get additional help from student finances.

    I have a scooter, owned by the university to move around on campus. I am getting private tutoring in math, as I will have to take a statistics paper.

    I am getting very high quality services, and services are catered to each individuals needs.

    This is only possible because the university is getting private funding.

    In Greece, all I was getting was mocked and yelled at.

  5. I was not educated in greece my sisters where one in the american college and one in public..due to family money issues and age difrences..the result wasnot much difrrent just a waste of money for the american college not that my sister was dumb..but from what i see in the end its up to the indiviual to educate them selves..i seen every body arguments and i have to say i agree with most as to not having private universitys.the only private type of university i would approve to be in grecce would be like ST JOHNS COLLEGE in annaopolis  america ..where the allumni..are self taught with tutors .where one is resposible for thier actions if they want to learn.this college does not haveany experts or lectures or exams .but confront a fundeamental question through each other and the tutors. resembles the ANCIENT LYCYEUM of ATHENS  where even then students where encouraged to learn by the argument rather than the lecture...yes i have to agree foreing universitys only want it fore thier own presitge and for money...maybe the goverment of greece should pull up thier pants...after all we have one of the most prestigious foreing young officers cadet colleges in the world..

  6. I think the educational system should and could be improved  and if the all this system was improved private universities would not be an issue.   I am  very well aware that more people than a few years ago send their kids to private unis and even high schools and I think it is all done to degrade the public schools in favor of the private ones.  Greece is a too little to compete with other country's private universities  .  People who can afford unis abroad will not bother sending their children to a Greek private one.  Also,  private unis may pay higher salaries to professors so I would not blame good ones going private and this way only a few dedicated people will remain in the public ones.  So, private will be considered better than the public.  Is it coincidental that public education gets worse every year?  They are not even trying to make it better (starting with the frontistiria) .  No,  I don't agree with private universities but I see us heading there.  :(

  7. honestly, I think in an open market, there must be private universities of anykind. I can't understand how those universities are a threat to the public universities. unemployment is the problem and all the young people must think very careful what they will study before they do. many just go where they pass even if they know that there are no jobs in that field. why are they doing that?

  8. A conditional Yes to your question. Some of the finest universties in the world are private. Harvard, Stanford, Yale, etc. IF and it is a big IF, the universities are NON-PROFIT and non-denominational with no agendas, there is no reason to deny their existence. There is a flourishing market in Greece for private "education". The whole system is sick as all private educational institutions in Greece are FOR PROFIT. Private does not necessarily mean for profit.

    The two notions are not compatible but in Greece they try to be. Frontistiria, primary and secondary for profit schools do exist because the State has been incapable to come up with a decent, viable system. It is going to take someone with real balls to throw the whole thing into the trash bin and start from scratch.

    The situation that exists and has existed for some years whereby a clever businessman gets some sort of a deal with a questionable foreign entity and is trying to make a killing with it, is UNFORGIVABLE. That is NOT what private education is about.

  9. in general i would say that i agree. still, there are both pros and cons.

    on the whole, most state university departments are not as good and well organized as they ought to but they have a rather good "image" to people (personally i think they are actually good, especially the Crete University), mainly because they are the only ones existing in Greece. therefore, if private universities are to be created in Greece, state universities will probably considered as lower from the private ones unless there are radical changes in the state universities. many may also claim that it is not in our choice whether private universities will be created or not since it is asked by the EU.

    on the other hand, it is highly possible that some of the private universities in Greece won't be real ones with a campus and on and will simply exchange diplomas and university degrees with money. as a result, people with money and no talent (or will) will simply not have to go in an other country (usually in east Europe- no offense) to get a university graduation degree. that way, from the economy point of view, money will once more "leave" Greece and get in someone else's pocket.

    last but not least, it is also possible (even though the odds are not with our side) that Greece will eventually attract some really good or/ and high status universities, maybe with some research programs too, that will also have some (competitive) scholarships for some who are talented but not flushed with money as well.

  10. If the public University is upgraded, liek it should, I have no problem with having private ones too. But if nothing is done to upgrade public university, what will happen is that rich people will go to private universities, and therefore the public ones will get worse and worse.

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