
Do you agree with the current legal situation that tries to blame gun makers for the crimes done with guns?

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Do you agree with the current legal situation that tries to blame gun makers for the crimes done with guns?




  1. No, this is just another attempt by anti-gun fanatics to disarm the population.

  2. No, it is just a way to justify disarming citizens.   If it were really logical then we should sue Ford and Chevy every time someone gets killed in a car accident, or, Budweiser if a drunk takes out someone driving home.  We are being taught that no one is responsible for their own actions and decisions.  We are all just poor victims of someone Else's conspiracy.

  3. No, that's just foolishness. Why aren't the knife makers guilty when a knife is used.  Or what about the automobile makers, should they be responsible if their car is invioved in an accident?  What if a car is intentionally driven into a crowd? Do we hold the car maker responsible?  What about alchohol?  It kills people but we don't sue the booze makers. This is just one more example of bullying by people who want the world set to their liking.  That's not real, and this idea shouldn't even be an argument.

  4. No.

    Guns are legal items in interstate commerce.  As long as the gun maker sells a weapon that works properly, they cannot predict how it will ultimately be used or held liable.

    Just like automobiles, that kill 100+ americans EACH DAY, are legal items.

    And just like knives, that are also lethal weapons.  Are we going to remove knives from our civilization?

    It is also easy to choke and kill another person.

    The only reason business gets sued a lot is because they might pay out a large settlement.

    The gov't has to give permission to allow it to be sued, and individuals don't have any money.

    So you are left with business.

    Lawyers really don't care what they are suing about, they just want to make a living.  Guns are as good as doctors and pharmaceutical companies.

  5. I do, but only about 10%.  I support the right to keep and bear arms and don't want legal tangles to take away that right from law abiding adults.  Unfortunately, inanimate objects such as guns do get abused to commit crimes.  Clearly the guns are enabling the crimes.

  6. No, because the makers of the gun don't intend for it to be used that way.

  7. No,  lawyers and those who would trample the second ammendment think it is a great idea.

  8. This is what I call typical liberal bias, its not the perp's fault, its the gun manufacturers.

  9. No, the shooter should be held entirely responsible for his or her actions

  10. That kind of argument makes me sick every time someone goes into shooting frenzy and they think that by taking away every gun will solve the problem. Whoever wants to kill will kill. They need to find a different approach,  their are so many screwed up people in this world. Maybe free therapy for all.

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