
Do you agree with the following sentence?

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Ambition is the last refuge of the failure (O. Wilde)




  1. yes definately , wise man was oscar

  2. It's ironic. Most people would think ambition means to have goals, monetary or otherwise; however, to zero in a definite format limits oneself, and thus the goals. So ambition settles as a refuge - a solace for something that was broader and grander.

  3. yes

  4. idk

  5. Everyone wants something...has some goal...or some good ( or bad ) intention...and those who fail due to lack of other virtues, defend their existence with the very act of wanting success in itself.

  6. Yeah.

  7. Nope! Not at all. I believe that ambition is the road to sucess! Hope I helped .xx

  8. Utterly utterly agree !  :o) I refuged in it, so I know!

  9. How can one fail unless he has the ambition to first try?

  10. Yes i agree with these clever words.

  11. Oscar Wilde came up with a lot of witticisms like that, which weren't exactly true, weren't exactly false, but did make you think.  

    However, this one was said before he truly understood what "failure" was, which he learned in court to his great embarassment and ruination.

  12. Yes of course

  13. No not at all.  I have ambition to do well on my course and have not yet began to fail it!!


  14. Yes, although I don't believe in failure.  Everyone has lessons to be learned in life.  A lesson may be very painful to learn, but there is always a positive outcome from every lesson learned.  Ambition is inspiration.  As long as we Have the Lord guiding our path, He will always inspire us and never see us as a failure.  We are humbled by these lessons, but not failures.  He will always show us the way to move forward in life.  There is always something positive to be gained from every lesson that we learn, if we choose to see it for what it is.

  15. Human ambition : yes, I agree

    Ambition to reach something more than the human things : no, I cannot

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