
Do you agree with the idea of Bush taking corn, changing it into alcoholic fuel that can power a car engine?

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i mean it decreases the usage of gasoline, but we'd also have a shortage on rice/ grain. that would increase poverty




  1. A few years ago the ECO freaks wanted us to go with corn ethanol. Now that we have a bunch of plants up and running they are all against it. Do they have memory lapse or something.

  2. Bush has done what he think will help. I think we need to explore every source of fuel ,because I think the Arabs will eventually use it against us as a weapon. The Democrats have blocked it to the point that we have China drilling between us and Cuba.When it comes to putting food into my family's mouth ,do anything.

  3. Bush is the kind of guy that you don't let hold onto a screwdriver.

    So the only thing Bush should be allowed to do with corn is eat it.

    Brazil has been reliant on Ethanol (made from sugarcane) since the last energy crisis. No food shortage in Brazil.

  4. if you would not blame bush for everything u don't like i would take u more seriously.....the burn corn bill was passed by a democrat controled house and senate...grow up...learn so things before you open your yap

  5. This is Congress at work, not the administration.  If there were a significant net gain in energy from doing this, it might make sense -- but there isn't, and it doesn't.

  6. It take 190kilo of corn to make enough alcohol to full a car once.

    Thats about 2800 foot square of a corn field.

    1kilo of corn = 3650Cal.

    so for 190kilo, its 693 500Calories

    and we need to eat about 2000 Calories every day

    so 693 500 / 2000 = 346.75 days of corn for 1 full car tank!

    or 346 people eating once.

    They starve people to grow fuel.

    Producing corn require lot of space, pesticide, fertilizer and fuel which destroy the land and ecosystems.

    Transporting corn require lots of fuel.

    Transforming corn require a lot fuel and/or coal (they currently use coal)

    Burning alcohol produce less Co2 but more Ozone. Ozone make smog.

  7. nobody in his right mind agrees with that

  8. Corn is a unprofitable crop that is only grown on a large scale because of massive government subsidies.  There are much better ways to make ethanol that could actually benefit the environment rather than depleting the soil and burning fossil fuel. Corn ethanol is just a way to drive up the prices.

  9. I think that it's a nice idea (kind of like world peace) but it's not really practical.

  10. it's a good short-term answer, seeing as how we presently have corn ROTTING ON THE ROADSIDE in corn country. But long term, we really should expand on the cellulosic ethanol process now being researched under Bush.

  11. Bush is just trying to be sure that when he leaves office he can fall off the wagon again and there will be enought for him to drink!

  12. Wow, now Bush is responsible for Ethanol! That man sure does create all the worlds problems now doesn't he...

    The Greenies ask for it, get it, and now turn the blame on the same man that causes Hurricanes, Floods, Global Warming, drought, world hunger, world poverty, and etc. etc.

  13. While I would not want to see Mr Bush have a third term, I have to protest that this was not his initiative.  He joined the band waggon, but somewhat lately.

    Odd as it will seem, a push to create corn for ethanol may be what is needed to ensure  excess corn will be available for meat production. And just as hard to get through, growing meat from grains also drives the economy in a way that will ensure adequate supply of grains, by increasing the producer price of those grains.

    Increasing the producer price of grains will reduce the amount of meat being fed, but it will make it practical to plan to grow more grain.

    World hunger is driven more by low prices than by high prices. Low prices discourage production.

  14. Ripped it right out of poor babies mouths to fuel the war and his fleet of Hummers.

    Do you have any idea what you are asking ?

    Your foil hat needs some more frequency grease.

  15. i don't think bush is doing that but, if he was, it would be dumb because it would be bad either for your car or prices of corn would go up GOOD QUESTION THOUGH!

  16. Bush didn't come up with this one sweetie, it first appeared on the US market during Jimmy Carters administration due to worldwide crude oil shortages.

  17. Yah, and Bush created Hurricane Katrina too.  The LA Times had an article today that said the people running cars on french fry oil are supposed to be paying fuel taxes to the state, that they are possibly breaking air pollution regulations and should have the permission of meat and poultry inspection officials to haul oil, in case of hazardous spills.

  18. I think Kagmi hit the nail on the head. Ethanol in theory is a great idea, but corn as the basis is the worst answer.

    And to wsnyder0, although I do not blame Bush for the things you listed, he and his cabinet are definitely responsible for the major corn ethanol push and I have a feeling that it has  to do with large agribusinesses like Archer Daniels Midland and other corn state politicians.

  19. The ridiculous thing about using corn to produce ethanol is that ethanol can be produced from prarie grass. Corn is pretty much the most expensive source of ethanol we could possibly come up with--it's only successful because of the agriculture lobbyists who want to raise the price of food. Ethanol as an alternative fuel is a good idea--producing it from corn of all plants is a terrible one.

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