
Do you agree with the idea of euthanesia?

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Do you agree with the idea of euthanesia?




  1. No, we should all  take care of our grandparents, You will learn a lot and it will help you to mature emotionally, reduce medical insurance costs. etc.

  2. to a certain extent

  3. i believe we all have the right to say enough is enough

  4. Yes.  If someone is living in pain or disability and wants to end their life, I feel it's their right.  We are kinder to animals than we are to people when it comes to quality of life issues.  

    Some years ago, senior citizens were surveyed and asked who their hero was.  The number one answer?  Jack Kevorkian.

  5. No. I wouldn't want someone to mandate when my life is over. Or someone telling me I'm not a contributing member of society, therefore it's time to go. Only God has that appointment with me to say it's time. Thanks anyway.

  6. Tough question.

    There are a lot of factors and variables.

    If certain precautions are taken, to ensure there are no murders, and that someone who 'wants to leave' has had a chance to explore alternatives, get some concrete ACTUAL help with their problems,and so on....

    I would think it should be up to the idividual who would request it.  So yes, I would then agree.

    But without the proper precautions in place, I would probably say no.

  7. If you check the definition of the word you will find it means " the act of killing", this does not denote an act of self will therefore no, I do not agree with "euthanasia". It is a crime to kill ones self and a crime to commit murder it is not a crime to ask for dignity in death or a life that is sustainable.

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