
Do you agree with the phrase "Wall Street is a bastion of Republican power and influence?"?

by Guest57836  |  earlier

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About a year ago our favorite "conservation" network pushed this idea claiming it was a hedge against liberal ambitions-by protecting our economic system with integrity and legitimacy......




  1. Yes I agree, and so what?  Republicans favor lowering taxes and deregulation of business and the stock market.  These things benefit those who work on Wall Street.  It's not that only Republicans go to work on Wall Street as part of some plan to "protect the economic system" it's that electing Republican serves their interests better than electing Democrats.

  2. That's funny. I thought Wall Street is where John Corzine became a multi-millionaire.

  3. No, because Wall Street is giving more money to Obama this year than McCain, almost twice as much.

  4. The question tells me your leanings.

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