
Do you agree with this? pls let me know if your as tired as I am!!!?

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Drug Test for Welfare

Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government

distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Because I have to pass a drug test one to earn it for them, I have to wonder why recipients shouldn't have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ***, doing drugs, while I work. . . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?




  1. Well said. Drugs and their effects are one of the main reasons for these people "needing" welfare. Despite the fact it would actually save money, I would actually be willing to pay slightly more if I knew it was going to those who really need it and not to the crack dealer or liquor store. This is one of those common sense things that our society chooses to ignore.

  2. The fact that you would ask such a question just goes to show you have no idea what the problem is all about.

    Public assistance is rendered to people that NEED assistance, from those of us that are capable. If they didn't need assistance, they would not be drug addicts, they would not be prostitutes, they would not be on the streets. They would be capable members of society, living in nice suburbs, driving SUVs, and taking vacations in Cancun. People that need assistance do so because they lack the basic capabilities to lead a normal life.

  3. I agree with you it takes two to work if you have children even if you don't have children it still take two there is no shame in  making an honest living

  4. agreed, I don't really see why they don't, probably too much of a bureaucratic mess to randomly sample so many people. However, with the current welfare system, it is very difficult to abuse it for very long, at least it is my understanding of it.

  5. I believe you make a valid point. If I do drugs and can't get a job because of it, then someone who receives state and federal benefits (welfare, food stamps, Medicare) should have to follow the same rules. I know people who were perfectly capable to work, chose not to, had kids to get more benefits, and heavy meth users. I don't think a urine test is too much to ask.

  6. i agree.

  7. BassCatcher for President.

  8. to the mark right on tmm

  9. first who will pay for the drug test, you me and every body  that paying taxes . i don,t wont to pay taxes on thing that i can,t change. what about you? do you love to pay taxes on thing that you can,t change?  just keeping it,s real

  10. I agree that the current system isn't perfect.

    But what would happen if someone would fail the drug test?  If you cut off their funds, then you have a whole family, with *all those kids* homeless and hungry.  What problem does that solve?  Wouldn't they still turn to soup kitchens and homeless shelters, which are still forms of public assistance?

    If someone is addicted to drugs and stops getting a welfare check, how likely is it that they are automatically going to get *cleaned up* and get a real job?  Who will pay for their rehab?

    Again, the system isn't perfect and needs cleaned up.  I think most people exaggerate the number of true "welfare deadbeats", and it's easy to say "give them drug tests".  But what then?  The solution is more complex than a simple drug test.

  11. Wow, what a good idea,  start a petition and I'll be the first to sign it.  You get a star for this!

  12. I agree with you 100%. It is insane the number of deadbeats milking the system. I see it everyday and it makes me just sick.

    r1 the only reason alot of them NEED assistance is because they can convincingly lie and are able to get assistance. The only thing wrong thos tht do that, is a gimme me mentality and no morals. I see it all the time. If you could see the number of frequent fliers I do who have absolutely nothing wrong with them you might change your tune. You seem somewhat naive to me, not dumb just naive.

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