
Do you agree with this statement about the American government and the American people? Why/Why not?

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Greetings to you,

I was reading an excerpt from a speech where the speaker said this about the American government and the American people:

"...This government has gone mad. When you allow insane people to lead you and you say nothing and do nothing, then you deserve the results of their insanity."

Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not?

Thank you very much in advance for your answer.




  1. I agree with the sentiment behind the statement, but in practice, the individual has virtually no power to affect change in the United States. The only thing most of us can do is cast our vote for the best available candidate. If you have the resources and ability, you can also run for office, but you have to rely masses to select you.

  2. Yes, people have let politicians get away with whatever they want to do and never call them out for their BS.  All politicians claim they will be the one to make things better but nobody ever asks for specifics and the crooks don't have to give any, they just keep using the word "change" and people eat it up.

  3. In what way is this a religious or spiritual question?

  4. is the speaker American...

  5. Yes. People have forgotten that WE thE PEOPLE are in charge of the Government. No society should be afraid like we are of our government.

    I for one am ashamed i have to worry about more and more of our rights being taken away.  

  6. Sure, I agree with that statement, thats why Nanci Pelosi HAS TO GO

  7. In fact roughly half of the American people honestly believe that insane stuff. Our problem is at least as much one of bad followers as it is of bad leaders. Just look at this forum - it's full of people who believe in creationism, reincarnation, psychics, that a fertilized egg is a human being, that guardian angels protect them, that Bush was a decent President and that Obama is a Muslim, and probably that we never landed on the moon and that the Holocaust was a hoax.

    A perfectly sane, caring, patriotic person would either never be elected in the first place, or be tossed out of office at the first opportunity.

    The problem lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.

  8. Agree completely.  We have become spoiled and have let greedy old men have their way with the country.

  9. I agree 100%. The government's been too far gone for a long time now.  

  10. Agree totally.

  11. Yes I do believe it.

    There is no democracy in the USA . It is absolutely impossible to believe that the elected leader of that country is actually the one in control. It is blindingly obvious to all and sundry that someone is pulling the strings...and who elected them ?

    I mean film stars get top government jobs, supposedly elected by the people ! They get put there because they are actors, trained in the art of telling lies to the public.

    It would interest me to know who exactly said that though.

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