
Do you agree with this statement ....?

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" It is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all"?




  1. Yes i agree 100%

  2. Absolutely. Before I left SA I had a short but stormy and sweet relationship which ended all too soon, and I was positively smashed with grief when it ended, but I never regretted it for a second.

  3. yes, for sure it is!

  4. yes it makes sense. soppy though but very true.

  5. At least one then has some memories. If one has never loved, then one has missed out on a lot.

  6. I agree because I believe experiences make who we are and who we end up to be. Its better to have the experience of love(even if you lose it) then to not have it at all. . .

  7. Sweet when one is desperate!

  8. Yes, i definitely agree with it

  9. Yes I strongly do!

    We love because it's the only true adventure. Yes when love ends it hurts and will hurt us continuously through out our lives but if you don't experience this pain how can you learn and grow wiser?

    To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving.

  10. Yes I believe it but it can be hard when u love someone and lose them, But whoever u love their going to one day be gone from ur life through death and u cant help who u fall in love with so u cant stop urself falling in love with sum1 just cos one day their going to die.

  11. Yes, if you've known love, it is precious and ones life will be very empty, without knowing that someone loves you and you love him/her as well with your whole heart

  12. No.

    You can't miss what you never had.

  13. I was leaning more towards the liking it part since it sounds so nice and poetic, but its easy for people to say stuff when they havent walked a mile in your shoes. Sometimes it feels like a waste to have given someone your heart to have them trample all over it, I'd rather love and not lose that love or rather not love at all if the person doesnt seem appreciative of that love.

  14. I fully agree. At least you will have the memories!

  15. Im not sure whether its a good feeling to have loved and lost, but never to have experienced the feeling of love, would be a shame.

  16. No because if you have never loved you would never have had to experience heartbreak etc so in the end you are better off and happier. Whilst the lover is now sitting with a broken heart, pining his life away.

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