
Do you agree with welfare?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think it's right that the government takes YOUR money to give it to someone that's lazy, sitting on their butt watching TV with no job?

There are people out that do work hard, and need a little extra, but there are many they don't.

Shouldn't we be allowed to give our money as we please, not have it a requirement?




  1. Tell ya what, Lori.  You turn 40, have pancreatic cancer diagnosed, live through three surgeries ridding you of it and returning you to bodily function, be predicted to live five years at most, instead live 21 years with the permanent disability of digestion and function, then talk to me about whether you can offer yourself as capable of an dependable income, having been formerly an executive secretary and medical transcriptionist.

    Meanwhile find yourself housed by the grace of Rural Housing where rent is a third of the remainder after doctors' and pharmacists' annual expenses are deducted from Social Security Disability support, help is added by the grace of Food Benefits, Medicare Part D and Medicare, collapse and call ambulances, support your life with nine medications, and call me a freeloader.  

    But for the grace of this government's programs to sustain life otherwise impossible, those like me with sons and grandsons who do all we can to leave something worthy behind -- in my case, writing -- out of gratitude for sustenance, participating in furthering understanding nationwide, would have long ago been silenced by death.

    Report the frauds wherever you find them.

  2. A lot more of my money goes to the war, and I don't agree with that, but I pay taxes regardless, so it's an aimless thing to b*tch about.

    If you swing too far to one side (like supporting complete redistribution of wealth) or the other (like not having a such thing as welfare), you're probably not coming up with good ideas.

  3. I think the government has made it very difficult to collect welfare; and the amount they give is barely enough to eat all the days of the month even if you live in a I disagree that there are more lazy people than just plain poor people who can't make ends meet. sometimes the people have not been well enough educated because the schools just pushed them through and never helped them through a learning disability like should have happened, so they never even get a fair chance. the percent of cheats is so minisule compared to the need that I don't mind my money going to help.

    It could be you who needs help someday if circumstances change for you.

  4. The current welfare system needs a little work.  But the concept is basic: In capitalism there is a winner and a loser.  If there are too many losers the winner's winning will all be stolen by the hungry/homeless/moneyless loser.  Therefore, we have welfare.  It helps those that have had a loss eat so they don't have to take from the winner or anyone else.  It sort of levels out the playing field (at least in concept).  

    This analogy was a little crude may have made things a bit to black and white but it tells the story.

  5. The problem with "welfare" is that it is administrated by government bureaucrats that, let's face it ; are not all that smart.  I'm sure that there are citizens that need a helping hand due to no fault of there own. ie.( illness, accidents, etc.); but your right in saying that there are many people who abuse the system.

  6. A welfare system is essential. Not everyone on welfare fits your One Size definition. Many people find themselves in a situation that makes day-to-day survival almost impossible. I agree with you that those who are too lazy to get and hold a decent job or try to meet their own obligations are a drain on the system and should not be given any benefits; however, many just can not get jobs. Much of the people on welfare could be taken off welfare if jobs were more readily available. Parents who have to pay more for child care than they can make working at minimum wage jobs need help. Our economy does not have enough jobs to help everyone out. We have people who lack the education (for various reasons) or lack the physical and mental ability to earn sufficient wages. Too many employers would prefer to hire illegal aliens who work under the table. Keep your question in mind when the only ones who are not on some type of welfare are the CEOs of oil companies and other major companies paying CEOs millions of dollars a day. Keep in mind - if our Welfare System worked as we wish it would most of the government people working in the welfare system would be out of jobs also.

  7. I think it should be there to help those that need it. But not make a career out of it.

  8. Before you run your mouth any more, perhaps you would like to do a little actual research into the people who receive welfare, instead of just relying on the age old ignorant assumptions.

    The vast majority of people who receive welfare do so for a short amount of time while they are between jobs (mostly laid off and searching for new employment).  The rest are either disabled and cannot work OR work full time but don't earn enough to keep their family alive and housed.

    The image you paint of someone just sitting around watching TV and collecting money for nothing is both ignorant AND completely false.  I defy you to find ONE person of which that description is accurate.

    Stop perpetuating ignorance and educate yourself.

    By the way, yes, I agree with welfare.  I don't think the working poor, disabled, or those laid off due to no fault of their own deserve to starve to death.


    TONS of freeloaders get welfare?

    Would you care to back that up with ANY evidence?

    I didn't think so.

    Sorry, but intelligent people will not be swayed by your misguided assumptions unless you can provide some evidence.

    By the way, I don't think you know what the word deprived means as it makes no sense in the way you used it.

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