
Do you align yourself to a political faction, which and why?

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tell me about the political beliefs you have, why you follow that and would you be flexible to change if that faction no longer portrayed the goals you agree with?




  1. I have been an anarchist ever since I learned the word and realized it described my outlook - it is never going to happen but I can make it true in small arenas of self-help, self empowerment - co-operation mutual aid and hope that people get to like it enough to make it happen elsewhere and carry a flame. I don't usually come out as peopel dont seem to have a good idea of what anarchism is and tend to think we are violent terrorists as anarchy seems to be used a lot fearfully  to describe chaos - rather than the human helpfulness and anarchy that comes when natural disasters occur and people pull together to save each other.

    I woudl stop calling myself an anarchist if enough people took over the name and made it into something non peaceful but I cannot see a time when I would ever believe in anything other than personal responsibility devolved power to those whom it concerns and mutual aid - co-operation with the individual at the centre.

  2. I am a lady from the USA...and TIRED of the war monger,rich-people supporting Republicans in the White House!

    Even many REPUBLICANS despise Bush lately...

    Obama '08 all the way!

  3. sdbhnsfnfsnfhdmngfymj

  4. At the end of the day politicians are not interested in anyone but themselves once they are elected!They will promise this and promise that when they are on the election trail!But when they are in office they conveniently forget any promises they have made!Normally blaming the previous administration  for not being able to carry them out!I would not take any politicians word on 'face value'!

  5. I follow NEITHER!

    I it almost seems to me as if the two parties got together a long time ago and agreed, "Okay, WE'll be right on issues 1, 3 and 5 and wrong on issues 2, 4 and 6 - and YOU can be right on issues 2, 4 and 6 and wrong on issues 1, 3 and 5.  

    That way, we can maintain a reasonably even balance of power."

    The bottom line is that BOTH parties are after the same thing - taking more of the everyday citizen's paycheck and individual freedoms of choice away from him.  More of our money in their pockets and increased government control over our individual lives is the mutual aim and goal of BOTH sides.

    To insure that government of, by and for the people DOES eventually vanish from the earth. The only difference is in the way they are going about achieving it.

    The Republican conservatives go at it directly, straight-on.

    The Democratic liberals take a competely covert route that starts off in the opposite direction but doubles back once they have gotten out of visual range.

    To illustrate -

    <> ... If the Reps want to destroy a freedom, they attack it head-on by proposing a law abolishing or diminishing it (like Bush's "Patriot Acts").

    <> ... Whereas, if the Dems want to destroy the same freedom, they will fool everyone by making a big show of defending it - to the point where they effectively squash any common-sense attempts to control even the most extreme abuses of it (actually ENCOURAGING those abuses) with the idea in mind that the public will eventually get so fed up with the abuses that they will vote that freedom out, themselves.  In that way, they can secretly and covertly destroy it but still go on public record as the champions who tried unsuccessfully to save it.

    BOTH parties are pure political poison at the top levels, but to my mind the liberals are FAR MORE dangerous simply because their tactics ARE so deceptive and most of their followers (from the political equivalent of "middle management" all the way down to the everyday man in the street) are completely deceived and believe that by serving their cause they are defending liberty and personal freedom.

    You might think that since theirs is the indirect and longer path, that the liberals are further away from achieving this reprehensible mutual goal than the conservatives, but that is far from the case.

    Because we can plainly SEE what they are doing, the conservatives are progressing along their direct path at the speed of an arthritic snail, but because we are led to believe they are doing the exact opposite of what they really are, the liberals are racing around their twisted, convoluted path at the speed of a nitro-burning dragster!

    The obvious question that probably comes to mind right now is WHY is all this going on?  I believe it to be a sort of social experiment being run by the REAL, behind-the-scenes power brokers to see which system is the fastest and most effective route to their horrendous goal.  (Like I believe that the late "Cold War" was a similar experiment to "test the waters" between Communism and Capitalism.)

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