
Do you all know this?

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Did you all know that China buys our debt from by the day in multi millions in treasury bonds. This meaning tha it cripple our dollar value and puts us in debt with China even more.

Also that in california the amount of shipping crates is so over whelming that they have started using them for home structures becuase we are importing more than exporting. Toyota has began sending soybeans back in empty containers to turn a profit on what would be useless containers.

We will be a struggling nation in twenty years if we dont start looking after ourselves




  1. Yep...we're slowly failing..more and more.

  2. China buying our debt acts to strengthens the dollar not weakens it and they buy them to keep their currency artificially low so we will import more from them. If we were willing to pay taxes to cover government expenditures and the government would not need to issue treasuries. Charging things to China for our children to pay back is not a good way to assure  their future.
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