
Do you all realize that Hillary Clinton's universal healthcare is mandatory?

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This means that everyone's earnings will be subjected to a sizeable payroll deduction or garnishment. Willfull non compliance with result in heavy fines and / or imprisonment.




  1. Yes, and do you realize what it's going to cost this country.

  2. smart people do

  3. the democrats have been wanting a full fledged socialist government since Teddy Roosevelt started it.

    Now with Clinton and Obama they see it in their future.

    Lets not forget Pelosi

  4. Canada has two tax rates.  35 and 55 percent.  They have a universal health care system.  Did anyone read about the gentleman that had a brain tumor that had to come to the United States to receive treatment and pay out of pocket because he couldn't get timely treatment in Canada?  The soonest he could get in for an MRI was four months after being diagnosed!  The doctors here said he would probably have advanced to a stage 4, unoperable, cancer.  Who wants to wait that long when you have a carginogenic brain tumor!  A friend of mine lives in Canada, and when sick, has to wait 4 to 6 hours (with an appointment) to get care.  This isn't something I want.  Basically, our health care system  would become a giant "medical card" scenario.  The best treatment and doctors would be available for the people with money and the middle class and less adantaged, would be left to what is left.  NO THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!  Improve on the medicaid system we have and get the people insured that need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Sounds like something she'd do.  I gotta pay more so some deadbeat can have insurance.  Go America!!

    I don't mind helping those truly in need, but not the deadbeats.

    In my experience, when the gov't gets involved in something, they just s***w it up.

  6. Or we could just sack all the Republicans so Hillary can set up government-funded healthcare like she originally wanted.  It be nice to see a little more return for the taxes I pay.  Shoddy pothole repair in 50 year old roads just isn't covering it.

  7. This is the general assumption, however, it is not fact! While coverage will be mandatory, Federal subsidies would be provided for those who are not able to afford insurance. Your "ImageShack" graphic is one that was contrived to make a point which is not valid.

    I think your understanding of the Universal Health Care Plan Hillary Clinton is setting forth would be best viewed on her own site:  where you can download the PDF for her "American Health Choices Plan."  There is a wealth of information there that will set your minds at ease.

    It goes without saying that we will all be paying for the plans that are offered, however, we will also receive tax credits to help pay the costs of these plans, better coverage and less expensive Rx drugs.  You can continue to pay for the coverage you now have and never have to change if you don't wish to.  She is trying to make health care available and affordable to all citizens of our country, no matter what your income level or illness happens to be.

  8. easy to stop OBAMA 08

  9. Not if we don't elect her.

  10. That is fine by me, theres a lot of people in the country that need food, medical care, I'm not gonna miss a few dollars out of my paychecks and combined with others and spent wisely it WILL make a difference to them.

    Do you not want to help the poor or disabled?

  11. Our government could not clean up New Orleans and other areas in the south after Hurricane Katrina. I do not want them solely in charge of my health care!

    I also believe that there are families living in The US that no matter the cost of the health care plan provided it will not be affordable for them. They will be giving up one thing or another to pay for their mandatory health care plan.

  12. yahoo

  13. i see your point, but what else can be done?

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