
Do you all think we came from monkeys or from god?

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Do you all think we came from monkeys or from god?




  1. GOOD GOD!!  If you are going to try to insult someone for their beliefs, at least know what the h**l you are taking about.  NO EVOLUTIONIST ever claimed we come from monkeys or apes!!  Evolution states higher forms of life developed from lower forms of life.  At one point in the evolutionary chain (a chain that has been shown to real and just about complete) Apes, Monkeys  and Humans all shared a common ancestor. who was neither ape, monkey or human.  It was a humanoid creature with features that may have been ape like.  It was not an ape. It was not a Monkey.  It was not a human.  It was a separate species altogether.  At some point, mutations and adaptations led to the development of other species, which eventually led to Humans, apes, monkeys and others in the same genetic family of Humans.  

  2. Our ancestors were also the ancestors of apes, and if you go further back, of monkeys, but they were anatomically different from modern-day monkeys.

    But, simply put, the evidence (genetic, fossil, anatomical and behavioral) is pretty clear - we come from 'monkeys'.

    "there is too great of a gap in the genetic structure for man to have evolved from anything, as with an animal that had evolved. The genetic code is completely different,"

    This is complete and utter nonsense gibberish.

  3. Nature does everything on its own quite well.

  4. No we did not evolve from monkeys.  There have been some scientist out there who studied it and their findings where that there is too great of a gap in the genetic structure for man to have evolved from anything, as with an animal that had evolved.  The genetic code is completely different, it was a pretty interesting article.

  5. No.

  6. Come on, that's not fair.  Tell it like it really is, you mean Monkeys or DIRT.  The Christian God created Man from DIRT...because THAT makes sense...

  7. or from a monkey god?

  8. GOD

  9. The fact that there are actual monkeys in existence, and I'm neither hairy nor do I eat fleas picked from my hair or walk on my finger knuckles, no I don't think I evolved from an ape.  

  10. Neither. Humans are apes, not monkeys.

  11. Monkeys have tails! Do you mean apes? Which god are you referring to?A pagan god ot the real God! I know some people that I've worked with may possibly came from apes.judging by their small minds and bad behaviour.    

  12. No wonder you come to such odd conclusions, since you only recognize a ridiculous set of options to choose from.

  13. I don't think we came from monkeys although our line has evolved.

  14. Neither , humans and monkeys share a common lineage

  15. we did not come from monkeys. we share the same common ancestor, that is why we are alike but we did not come from monkeys.

    and there is no such thing as god.  

  16. monkey are not our ancestors they specie as same as humans,gorilla and so on..they have their own ancestors  

  17. we actually came from little fish - like water creatures. and we formed into people, in a very very slow process. That is how God made us.

  18. Being Agnostic I hope there's a God sometimes but feel  humans are just  monkeys at times also.

    If it acts like a monkey, is it a monkey? Helps me over look things

  19. i believe we are chimeras (mixed between primates and aliens) in a lab thousands of years ago (at least)

    it sounds crazy to some, but i did take a year of college anthropology and imo, there is not enough fossil evidence of any type of "smooth transition" from monkeys to man

    there are really only the 2 theory's ... creationists saying we are only 8000 years old and made by God (if God's an alien i might agree), and the Darwin theory , which i think is wrong (in our case)

    oh so i think my theory (the 3rd option) is correct, nutty as it does sound.

    however there is evidence of ancient "advanced" civilizations like our own, if you look for it

    sumerians, atlantis, (odd greek evidence of old) mesopotamia, babylon, tower of babel, tibetan dropa and dropa stones, etc ... oh ya egypt pyramids etc duhhh lol, oh and the mayan things ... etc etc etc

    i almost wonder if earth is some alien child's aquarium, and now that he got tired of little reptiles, he decided to populate it with us vile and nasty little primate things

    if this true, i suspect the only thing we can do is pray and meditate to the creator of all things ... after all, fancy goldfish are entirely at our mercy, but who's to say that they don't comprehend the reality of their situation as well?

  20. Neither....

  21. God created us all.

  22. While we were writing philosophy the Atheists were still swinging from trees to answer your question`

  23. Neither.  We share a common ancestor with monkeys, as we also do with fish, birds, bees, frogs, and even viruses and bacteria.

    And there is no God.

  24. Monkeys. For sure.

  25. Neither.  All higher primates (this includes humans) evolved from a COMMON ANCESTOR

  26. I think we were created by God. If we evolved from monkeys, why would we not still be evolving?

  27. we were made by god if anyone says gorilas or monkeys then they are wrong we cam from god.

  28. Uhhhhhhh.... that would be 'neither'.

  29. God created man in His own image.

    I do not come from monkeys and neither do you.

    I do not have a tail, and I certainly don't swing from tree to tree, although it would be fun. lol

    We might both have the ability to understand, not at the same level, of course, but, only man has the ability to speak...........that is what gets us in trouble. lol  I could go on and on.

    God created me, and I can't wait to spend eternity with my Creator.

  30. common ancestor of modern day great apes  

  31. Uneducated Christians make my skin crawl.

    Theism is a crutch for people who don't understand science.


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