
Do you allow your 2-3 or 4 year old to play hit?

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Do you allow your 2-3 or 4 year old to play hit?




  1. Play hit? no. No violence in games, playing is supposed to be pleasent.

  2. Uh, no.

  3. no, teach this at a young age and save your self a few headaches.

  4. No never.  I think that hitting is never OK, even if they are playing.

  5. we do not allow "hitting"

    we will allow "sword fighting" and punching gloves but only in play and never in anger

    you can teach a child the difference

    but as far as hitting with hands I could only see that being used in anger which is not ok

    those are the rules

  6. No, no and no. This is unacceptable behaviour and will only get worse with time if allowed to continue. STOP IT NOW!!!!!

  7. Rule at our house - violence is not an acceptable form of entertainment.  We don't even play slug bug in the car.

  8. not acceptable its teaching them that hitting is okay

  9. NO NO hitting isn't permited.. They can play without being violent...

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