
Do you already flew by plane?

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what is the feeling when the plane begins to lift flight?

and what the feeling when the plane is flying high?




  1. If you are nervous you may feel a little queasy but it will pass.  Once you level out in the air and are flying straight the ride is pretty smooth.  Make sure to have gum when you take off, if you chew it while taking off it will help your ears not to pop as much because of the air pressure.

    Just breath, relax, listen to music and you will be fine.

  2. you ears might pop when you are beginning to lift but a simple fix would be chewing gum. when you are flying high it feels like you on the ground back at the airport. you be informed when  you go into turbulence. nothing scary. hoped that helped.

  3. First time flying huh well the first times the best because after that it's like whatever. Okay buckle up first then the plane rolls slow then starts speeding down the runway then the captain adjust the flaps so that the aircraft begins to leave the ground and then begins the steep climb which is the fun part. To cut it short the landing is the nervous part sometimes you have a soft landing other times the wheels of the aircraft hit the ground hard. Enjoy your flight

  4. i flew by plane when i was little kid and now i'm 16

    believe me its nothing its actually quite funn!! Think of all the places you'll be visiting when you reach your destination!! Airplane rides are 99.9percent safe. Dont worry. You wont even feel its landing till you touch the ground. Think in your mind that the plane is going on a track not in free air and it will seem like it!! Wheneve i travelled by plane(atleast 20 times till now) I felt i was on a road. And taKE OFF is the best you get to see the town from up(if you sit next to a window) and everything seems so small just concentrate on that or sleep before take off i have been in 24 hou flights and i like the sky better than land!!

    I hope i helped you to the core, sis! Have a fun flight ;)

  5. if you sit in the middle of the plane, you won't feel the takeoff as much if you were sitting in the back of the plane.  depending on the pilot, the takeoff can be smooth or somewhat nervewracking.  when the plane is flying at altitude, if there is turbulence, the plane will shake, drop and rise. the worst part is the landing.  i hate that feeling that the plane is dropping

  6. umm, depends, some people get scared, some get excited, some don't care either way.

    It's not like you feel weightless or anything.  Just like being in a car that's speeding up REALLY fast and then hits a GIANT hill.  

    Once you're in the air there is not different feeling than being on the ground.  You can walk around (unless you hit turbulance which just feels like a lot of bumps)

  7. I've flown so much I don't pay attention.  Unless you hit turbulence, it should be as smooth as sitting in your living room.

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