
Do you also do "sleep talking" ?

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Hi Folks

I am informed by the mother of our children that I often talk, quite clearly, no mumbling, whilst asleep.

I have looked this situation up, and apparently it is to do with putting a running commentary to your dreams.

Part of the brain commenting on the other bit that is dreaming.

I am told that during a daft dream, I have suddenly declared "that's not possible"

I cannot be alone in doing this, so do you or your partner do the same I wonder.





  1. My brother woke up last night and yelled 'mom!'

    she thought it was me, ready for bed. She yelled "Are you ready for bed?...In your pajamas?...Computer off?" and he answered yes to all of them. She came upstairs and realized it was him. So she went in his room. Apperently he had put on his glasses and then said something about 'dont put your hand there'. ha. she told him to take off his glasses and go to bed. He didn't remember it at all when he woke up....

  2. I was told I sometimes laugh when I sleep. I didn't seem to be so much in deep sleep, because I "knew" I was giggling out loud and also about what. Weird, and I have yet to figure it out.

  3. Oh yeah, my wife said that I was singing a song in a dream once, quite clearly. It's not uncommon to do so.

    It's funny though when you hear people doing it.

  4. haha yeah. This is quite common. When my boyfriend is over he'll fall asleep sometimes and he talks a bit...

    Years ago a kid i was watching fell asleep and i was up watching tv and she raised up suddenly and i did as well wondering what she was doing and all of a sudden she punched me and said "take that!" and then layed back down, rolled over and went back to sleep. Now that was weird!

    So i don't think its bad or anything... kinda fun watching someone do it though.  

  5. I also sleep talk, but not often. Very rarely. Apparently its due to the brian not fully locking down when asleep.  

  6. yeah i talk in my sleep all the time,full blown conversations, my girlfriend has sang and even danced a little in her sleep.  

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