
Do you also find this rude?

by Guest58685  |  earlier

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when me and my good friend hang out she is constantly texting others even when i'm talking. i told her i think its rude but she always says there is nothing wrong with it and she is still listening to what i'm saying. what are your opinions?




  1. In the middle of this texting binge why don't you say out of the blue something like "I have a bad desire for you" or "You have a face only a mother could love" and then go on talking about something else.  And when she says "huh?" say "Oh never mind."


  2. I think it's just okay IF she's talking to you and at the same time texting. Well, at least she's showing that she's listening to you too.  

  3. Thank you for asking this question. I find it the height of rudeness when two (especially) or more friends are supposedly in each other's company because they want to be, but one (or more) of them is continually distracted by often long phone calls and text messages, without any sort of apology or getting up and moving away for privacy.

    Surely other friends who have nothing better to do than call others for no real reason can accept a quick apology that you are busy or can't talk right now. It seems that no one can leave a phone unanswered or God forbid, turned off.

    The phone always takes priority over live conversation, even in a shop or business situation. Why?

    How ever did society manage before the mobile phone or before that the home phone and answering machines?

  4. I think it's polite to pay attention to the person speaking to you.

  5. thats one thing that really pisses me off about ppl, when you tell them how you feel and they say your wrong, how can you be wrong about how you feel, its a fact not an opinion, its like if you said "it hurts my feelings when you do that" and the other person said "no it doesnt" they are idiots how could you be wrong about that, if it bothers you you shouldnt hang out with her, if her texting is important enough to cost her a friend then let her text her fingers off, and i also think its rude when ppl do that so yeah

  6. Yes. Extremely rude. I wouldn't put up with it.

  7. I think it's definitely rude. When my best friend talks to me I always pay attention to what she has to say. But when I'm talking she always be picking up her phone and talking to guys. I tell her it's rude but she disagrees so i just quit hanging around her because I want to be around people who respects me just as much as i respect them.  

  8. ok try this ..

    while she is texting somebody else .. TEXT HER.. and  when she says " WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING ?" reply with .. trying to get the best of your attention...

    Mobile/cell phones are wonderfull inventions .. but some people need to learn some phone etiquett of course it is rude if she is CONSTANTLY texting people when spending time with you...

    I mean OK if it's urgent or important .. then I am sure you would be understanding ... BUT my guess is that she's just chatting...  

  9. There are a few things it could be

    1)Poorly Brought Up by Her Family

    2)ADD or a short attention span

    3)She doesn't really like you or value your opinion however if you talk non-stop like some of my friends I find it hard to listen to some of their constant Ego-Nurturing.

  10. Yeah, I think it is essential that there is eye contact when having a conversation especially if its between 2 people. :)...and half of the time, they arent listening to you completely..I mean no body is that good at multitasking.  

  11. Its rude plain and simple. It ranks right up there with another language being spoken in front of those who don't understand it. How are you supposed to know what she is texting and that maybe she isn't talking about you with someone else? One friend of mine sends text messages to her children even when they are in the same room. Personally I think text messaging these days has become a lazy way to communicate. I don't want to read something on my phone every 5 minutes, if you want to tell me something then call me!

  12. Like at least one other person said I would find someone else to hang out with. Let her text until she gets blisters, but you don't have to be there.

  13. Find someone else to hang out with!

  14. if she does it ALOT then yeah its kinda rude, or just annoying

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