
Do you also hope that Palin will give a speech every day from now until November 5th?

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  1. i would like to see how this supposed educated journalist does in a debate.....she would be crushed

  2. She doesn't really need to. Biden will run his mouth and bring shame to his party.

  3. Yes. And I would like her husband to speak to small groups. he was great the other night.These are real people. McCain is attacked for not being able to get it. He will have a working class family by his side.

  4. May I remind you that McCain and Palin are also earning lots of cash.  Its not a matter of money anymore.

  5. No, Heavens NO. She has a very annoying voice and I could not stand to hear her 'teaching' the country for that many more days.

  6. It will be difficult to set up the teleprompter and have President Bush's speech writers drum up a different speech daily.  

  7. Pork Barrel Palin, the Governor who requested the largest Pork Barrel funding in history, is really good at talking and asking for things, but the big problem is that the things she ask for tend not to help America.

  8. Heck no! I can't stand to hear her voice.

  9. The one on Nov. 5th will be the acceptance speech. I thought the election is Nov. 4th

  10. I don't HOPE, but it's gonna happen anyway.

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