
Do you also think it's ironic?

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I'm watching the Democratic National Convention tonight. At least two speakers have invoked the name of Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln was a Republican. One of the speakers was a descendant of another prominent Republican (Eisenhower).

I'm a habitual independent who will probably vote libertarian this year just because I'm not overly excited about either candidate. But I did find it very ironic each time Lincoln's name was mentioned.

I'm curious what others think...




  1. Political parties change radically over the years. The Democrats used to be the more conservative party, the Republicans were considered to be radicals. issues change, and parties change. So the Democrats could very well argue that Lincoln would be a Democrat if he were alive today. i don't know, but it's possible.

    When we are talking about a Presidential election, while on the one hand there is an effort to get out the party vote, the President, once elected, ideally belongs to both parties.  And there are many cases of members of a President's party voting against his policies in Congress, while members of the other party vote for them.

    So really, I don't see much irony.

  2. The republican party of Lincoln's day is not the republican party of today.  I would vote libertarian but they cant win yet, maybe in a few years.  While I don't agree with everything barack says I think he's much smarter than mccain and baracks vision for energy independence alone can repair many of the problems in this country.

  3. I wont waste my vote by voting for anyone but a main party contender but i agree..>i will have to get drunk to vote for my choice because hes the only thing that makes sense....the other one and his Wife give me the heebie jeebies...dude could actually be the Anti Christ...The Wife acts like a demon consort for sure....but speaking of Lincoln in any speech from today's politics is sickening

  4. It shows that someone can be good no matter what their party affiliation is.

  5. The dems like to use past Republican presidents names when they pretend they have morals and good ethics for a few minutes.

  6. Nope!  Either of the main partries will use whatever sounds good to the people they are pandering to; that's the Booboisie of America.  The only vote wasted is when you don't vote your conscience.

  7. If it sounds good they will bring it out. But its funny to see the party that was pro slave invoking the name of Lincoln.

  8. The real irony is bashing Hillary for months on her Iraqi war vote - and then picking a man for the VP slot that has the same resume.

  9. I'm ashamed of the lacking critical thinking of the American people personally.

    Seems Obama can't be critisized for anything he has said, done, voted on, any of his lackings or any of the influential people he has been around most of his life.

    Where have these people's brains gone ?

    Obama is handing you all "hope' without a way to bring it about, change things or even a working plan. Yet you buy into it.

    And the democratic platform would probably use any symbolizm they need to win the presidency. Alot of these brain washed would probably never know Lincoln was republican.

    Time to wake up people. Vote for substance not ideology. Because Idea's...although'nt run the country and get things done. Its a person's character, their working plans, their substance.

    I know alot voted for Bill Clinton all because of their wallet being full, but overlook all the screwups, the international follies, the gutting of our military and handing over an economy that was in the negative to Mr. Bush.

    It baffles me to no end that so many that are ignorant about politics and what's really going on just love to get involved and emotional over political figures that lie to their face.

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